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Alcoholics, Addicts, and the Fun of Sobriety!

“We have shown how we got out from under. You say, “Yes, I’m willing. But am I to be consigned to a life where I shall be stupid, boring and glum, like some righteous people I see? I know I must get along without liquor, but how can I? Have you a sufficient substitute? Yes, there is a substitute and it is vastly more than that. It is a fellowship in Alcoholics Anonymous. There you will find release from care, boredom and worry. Your imagination will be fired. Life will mean something at last. The most satisfactory years of your existence lie ahead. Thus we find the fellowship, and so will you.” –pg.152 A Vision for You from The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous

After receiving alcohol addiction help most of us are surprised and pleased by the fellowship we find through sobriety, drug addiction detox, AA, and 30 day rehab programs. Many of us feel like we are never going to have as much fun as we have had in the past but the reality of the situation is that not only do we have as much fun but usually even more than before because its minus the unmanageability. We find a new joy and a new freedom. We come to realize that through sobriety anything is possible. As long as we take action, and stay sober we can do anything we want to. We are given the opportunity to create the life of our dreams and pursue different paths, paths that we haven’t until sobriety been able to pursue. Many of us had many dreams that just fell by the wayside because of our alcoholism but now we get to go and live life!

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