God and Meditation Part Two

“In thinking about our day we may face indecision. We may not be able to determine which course to take. Here we ask God for the inspiration, an intuitive thought or decision. We relax and take it easy. We don’t struggle. We are often surprised how the right answers come after we have tried this for a while.” pg 86 Into Action from the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Yesterday we talked about coming up with our own concept of our higher power and what that looked like. Today let’s take a look at meditation and the role your higher power plays in that. Many of us might have a hard time with meditation when we first got sober. This makes sense considering our need or reasoning behind seeking alcohol addiction help probably didn’t stem from our constant meditation practices or the constant state of peace we were in. Many of us were spiritually bankrupt when we got sober and couldn’t even believe in ourselves, let alone a higher power or some guy in the sky belief system. Eventually we learned /came to believe this through doing the work at 30 day rehab programs, on our own, AA, or other California rehab centers. Regardless of where we found our higher power the important thing is that we found a power as that’s an imperative part of working the steps as well as meditation. The incentive of meditation is different for man. Some of us just wants peace. Some of us want a conscious contact with their higher power, and many of us want both. Meditation has several benefits and is vital in our recovery. According to our 11th step it’s not just a time for us to sit silently and reflect but also a time set aside for reviewing our day, and sitting still waiting for answers on what Gods will is for us.