Are you concerned about the amount of alcohol that your loved one is drinking? Has the problem gotten to the point where the problem is harder to hide? Since drinking is legal (for adults) and socially acceptable, it can be difficult to determine when someone you care for has crossed the line to alcoholism.
Denial Part of the Problem
It makes matters worse when people don’t come right out and say the word “alcoholic.” We tend to talk around the issue instead and use words that sugar coat the issue of addiction, rather than face it head on. How many of these expressions have you used or heard around alcohol abuse?
- “Joe sure likes to tie one on.”
- “Mike can really hold his liquor.”
- “Kim has a bit of a ‘drinking problem’.”
- “It’s a good thing that Sam only drinks beer. I’d be concerned if he was drinking hard liquor.”
When people don’t come right out describe alcohol abuse as exactly what it is – alcoholism, it is much harder to get people into alcohol treatment centers where they can get the help they need.
Don’t Wait to Get Help for Alcohol Addiction
If you know someone who has a problem with drinking, the best thing you can do for your loved one is to admit it to yourself first. Get the person you care for into a treatment program.
All they need to get started is a willingness to change. The treatment will start with alcohol addiction detox. During this stage, your loved one will stop using alcohol. He or she will be monitored as the toxic physical effects of the substance wear off. The process is closely monitored by fully trained personnel. If medical attention is needed, clients are transported to the local hospital emergency room.
Alcohol Addiction Counseling
After the detoxification stage is finished, the focus of the treatment turns to helping clients identify the factors that made them turn to alcohol. Through individual and group counseling sessions, your loved one will be able to learn about the emotional triggers that make him or her want to pick up a bottle and drink.
A California alcohol rehab center provides 12-step programs to clients. They offer fellowship and support through sharing personal accounts of struggles with alcohol. Many people find being in the room with other people who have been through similar experiences very helpful. They feel a real connection with other clients who are going through recovery at the same time.
Unless the underlying root of the problem is dealt with, a person will leave the treatment center and slip back into his or her familiar ways of coping with stress, boredom, anxiety or depression after the course of treatment has been completed. This is the best way to tackle the issue for long-term recovery.
You don’t have to wait one more day to get help for a loved one’s drinking. Contact a recovery specialist at Above It All Recovery Center today.