The Start of Recovery is the Decision

“But the moment I made up my mind to go through with the process, I had the curious feeling that my alcoholic condition was relieved, as in fact it proved to be. Quite as important was the discovery that spiritual principles would solve all my problems.” The Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous, Page 42

Ask nearly any alcoholic or addict you have ever met and there is one thing upon which most of them will agree: the beginning, the making a decision to give up drugs and alcohol and begin the road to recovery through the twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous was one of the most difficult parts of recovery. You have to say Yes to the life you want and the process before you can begin to recover.

Though it seems frightening and a life without drugs and alcohol may, at first, seem like no life at all, the rewards are far greater than most alcoholics and addicts even dream when they embark upon their journey.

For those caught in the perpetually downward spiral of drugs and alcohol, feeding addiction and chasing escape – a solution that begins with merely a decision seems impossible. We are here to assure you that not only is it possible, but it is the only way. The decision to recover is yours and so is the life you want and deserve. There are drug and alcohol rehabs that are staffed with fully trained professionals who understand where you have been, what you are going through and what it will take for you to move forward. But they cannot make the decision for you. That, you have to do on your own.