Telltale Signs and Early Warnings: Support for Family of Addicts

Check out a few drug rehab blogs; most showcase and detail the accommodations, programs and “perks” offered by those treatment programs – but how do you know for sure that it’s time to seek help on behalf of a friend or family member? You might have suspicions, but still are not sure how to tell if your loved one is struggling with drug abuse.

Not all drug use results in addiction and not all cases of drug use require 30 day treatment programs. Below are ten indicators that point towards the development of abuse and addiction. If the majority of behaviors listed below are striking an all-too-familiar chord, chances are your loved one may be in trouble.

Loss of Interest

Sudden loss of interest in all activities seen in a person who is normally active and engaged is a red flag for drug and alcohol use. When attention is suddenly deflected from things and people of interest, it can mean that a great deal of energy is being diverted to feeding an addiction.

Noticeable Physical Changes

Blood-shot eyes, dilated pupils, injection marks, frequent sniffing, scratching, puffy face, and unusually slow-healing sores are a few common signs of drug use. People will also go to great lengths to hide these indicators, however. Some less subtle signs of drug or alcohol use, are rapid weight loss or gain and total lack of personal care.

Drug Paraphernalia

Finding wrapping papers, syringes, pipes or bongs, burnt spoons, bongs or razor blades? You have every reason to be alarmed. These are definite signs of use, though not always of addiction.

Mood Swings:

Someone who is usually calm and collected can be ultra hyper and out of control. Someone who is usually pleasant and upbeat can be miserably depressed. Also erratic mood swings from one end of the spectrum to the other can also be caused by drug abuse. If these things are strangely not the norm, chances are you are dealing with a case of drug abuse and addiction, or similar problem, and need drug intervention help los angeles california.

Reclusive Behavior:

Drug abuse and alcohol addiction are very isolating. Does your loved one spend a great deal of time alone, avoiding others? Do you have the persistent hunch that they may be “hiding something? Do they avoid or shut down questions about how they’ve been spending their time? These behaviors can indicate a drug or alcohol habit.

Again, these behaviors may be signs but not neccissarily indicators of drug and alcohol dependency. For more FAQs about rehab and recovery los angeles, click here.