Getting The Most Of Your 12 Step Recovery Program

AA – The most widely known of the 12 step recovery programs – is based on the idea that an individual can succeed in their recovery from addiction through the process of letting go of problems they are unable to control. Members are taught to “be in the moment”, while placing their faith in a higher power to help guide their recovery. In this entry, we will offer up a few tips and tricks to help you get the most of your AA experience.

1 – Hop online and search for a local 12 step addiction recovery program in CA that is close to home and work. Though you will likely find a favorite meeting around town, it’s nice to have an idea of where you can turn in case a craving or mood should arise unexpectedly.

2 – Attend a few different meetings to gain a better understanding of your options. In some cases, it may take a few tries to locate a solid fit. Avoid becoming discouraged if you don’t find your match immediately.

3 – Once you’ve located a favorite, do your best to attend meetings regularly. If you’re fairly new to the program, you’ll want to make a concerted effort to attend 90 meetings during your first 90 days.

4 – Look and nail down a sponsor. A sponsor should be a longtime member who is able to guide you through the program, while offering support and encouragement throughout your recovery. If you ever find yourself in a tight spot… this will be the person you call.

5 – Get involved, and ask how you can contribute to the organization! Positions can include anything from conducting a meeting from time to time to traveling as a representative. The more involved in the program you are, the more devoted you will be to maintaining your sobriety.

6 – Make a point to read the “Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous” and other types of organization literature on a daily basis… especially in cases where you are unable to attending meetings in person.

7 – When you find yourself feeling to urge to use, or have gone through a rough day, take the time to recite the Serenity Prayer. It may seem like a trivial action initially, but the focus it brings is indisputable.

8 – Your recovery is not going to happen overnight. Know this, and take comfort in how far you’ve already come on a daily basis.

9 – Ask for help when needed. Recovery is never an easy process. If you feel the urge to use again, it’s important to put your pride away and contact someone who can help you through your situation and feelings. Whether a sponsor, addiction counselor, or friend, the simple act of reaching out is paramount in maintaining your sobriety if and when difficult situations present themselves.

10) Smile. Laugh. Love. Listen. Think happy thoughts.

If you’re searching for additional tips on maintaining your sobriety, or are interested in your available addiction treatment options, our Above It All addiction specialists are on hand now to answer your questions. Give us a call today!