Sobriety Maintenance Post Rehab

Maintaining an addiction to drugs or alcohol is not only unethical and illegal in many cases, but also detrimental to the family dynamic, financial stability, health, and happiness. Following your stay at Above It All treatment center, you may find it difficult to avoid situations and people from your past that encourage your addictive behaviors. In this entry, we will provide you with a few tips to help ensure sobriety following rehab.

1 – Keep in close communication with family members when a craving arises. Family is typically the best means of council when one of these episodes occurs. Avoid turning to friends if at all possible. Keep in mind, that friends may be limited in their commitment to helping you overcome your negative behaviors. With family, however, members will generally go much further to ensure help is provided. Pick out a close family member whom you can trust, and rely on when temptations become tough.

2 – Work on your self-discipline. Know that family members and other types of outcry witnesses will not always be available 24/7. By practicing self-discipline, you will be better able to cope with issues on a solitary basis, and for extended periods of time. When a craving presents itself, remember to take a deep breath, and remember that you don’t need to indulge. Once you have said “no” once, the idea will begin rooting in your mind, and the process will become much easier. Another way to deter yourself from relapse is remembering the legal consequences of your actions. One more high is never worth ruining your life over.

3 – Avoid situations and people that revolve around your addiction. Those who still use drugs or alcohol will often be of little help when the time comes for you to quit. If your friends truly care about you and your decision to quit your addiction, they will make efforts to include you in activities and events that do not involve drugs or alcohol.

4 – Write about your feelings. A recovery journal will work to place your progress into perspective, while giving you something to reference when temptations come to a head. Write daily, and write honestly.

5 –  Think back to the activities you enjoyed before the addiction. Pick up an instrument, join a gym, or dive into your favorite author. Though life can be difficult to visualize without addiction, once you begin filling your schedule, you’ll wonder how you ever lived life fully before.

6 – Keep in touch! If you ever feel the need, our Above It All counselors are always available to take your call. Grab the phone and contact us with any questions, concerns or updates you may have. Recovery is never an easy road to follow; Call us if you require any additional direction.