Women Seeking Rehab and What To Expect

Women have a different outlook on life than men and therefore respond to different therapeutic processes and experience a different set of challenges during the treatment process.  Our thorough screening and assessment of the woman who comes to our treatment programs will allow our team of clinical experts to place her in the right program and provide her with a personalized curriculum of recovery activities to give her the best possible chance at achieving long-term abstinence.

Recovering from addiction requires a complete transformation needs and goals. Thousands of people come to southern California every year hoping to fulfill their needs and goals. Why not you? There’s no better place to take 30,60 or 90 days and heal your mind, body and spirit from the trauma of alcohol or drug abuse. Serenity is everywhere you look in southern California. We’ll help you find it within you. Of mind, body and spirit. This is more easily accomplished in a calm environment that encourages serenity. Getting sober is difficult, but ultimately it is one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.  At Above It All Treatment Center, we understand being in rehab isn’t something you’re likely to be happy about…yet. The work you’ll do here is not easy, but it’s worth it. Our world-class staff truly cares about you as an individual and that’s why we personalize our program to your needs and goals. Thousands of people come to California every year hoping to fulfill their needs and goals. Why not you? There’s no better place to take 30,60 or 90 days and heal your mind, body and spirit from the trauma of alcohol or drug abuse. Serenity is everywhere you look in California. We’ll help you find it within you.

If drugs have hijacked your life or the life of someone you love, we can help. We have over 100 years of combined experience treating drug addictions of all kinds. We are here for you 24/7.  Give us a call at Above It All Treatment Center so we can get started working for you.