Alcohol And Drug Treatment Programs Include Aftercare For Clients

Treating people who have substance abuse issues involves several stages, and it’s not something that can be rushed. Addiction is a complicated disease that takes time to treat successfully. It affects alcoholics and drug addicts and their families, and the hurt it leaves in its path can cut very deeply.

If you are concerned about a loved one who is addicted to drugs or alcohol, don’t ignore the problem. The longer you wait to get him or her into treatment, the more time you will allow the addiction to take hold. You are dealing with a chronic, life-threatening illness, and the best thing you can do for the person you care for is to do your homework to find alcohol and drug rehab centers that accepts Blue Cross Blue Shield or will work with your insurance so that you can get your loved one into treatment as soon as possible.

Sober Living At Above it All

Types of Treatment Available for Addicts

There are a number of different types of treatment options available for clients who need substance abuse services. There is no “one size fits all” service that fits everyone who needs help. Instead, programs are developed to meet the individual needs of each client. Here are some examples of what is available:

Dual Diagnosis

Many people who are struggling with addiction are also dealing with mental health issues. Both conditions require professional, caring treatment.

Short-term Treatment

Not all clients are able to go to a treatment facility for a long-term program. In some cases, treatment can be offered over a 14-28 day period.

Long-term Treatment

Committing to a 90-day alcohol or drug rehab program provides the highest chance of success. It gives clients the time they need to examine why they turned to drugs or alcohol and allows them to develop strategies for resisting triggers that will tempt them to use again.

Family Support

Addiction is a family problem. It harms relationships within the entire family, not just for the person struggling with substance abuse issues. Counseling sessions for family members gives them a safe place where they can sort out their feelings in a nonjudgmental atmosphere.

Aftercare at a Sober Living House

Once the addiction treatment program has been completed, your loved one will not be left to go back home on his or her own. Many people simply don’t feel ready to go back to their “regular” life without a transition period and some further support. Spending some time at a sober living house helps to bridge the gap between being in a treatment facility and independent living. There are no time limits for moving out of the sober living house; each client can take as much time as he or she needs.

To find out more about the treatment programs offered by the Above It All Alcohol & Drug Treatment Center, call us now to speak with an addiction treatment counselor.