Showing Gratitude Through Acts of Service

Thanksgiving is just that – a time to show thanks and gratitude. You haven’t gotten to where you are today without the help, support, guidance and hard work of many others. In turn, you have helped others to get where they are today. No matter your career, think about the impact that it has had on how others live. Think about your family and what you mean to each other and the people around you.

Giving back and helping others through acts of service is one way to show your gratitude. It can give you a greater sense of purpose to know that you are making a difference. As you see the results of your actions, it can make you feel proud and boost your mood. This can be very important in recovery. You want to stay positive and keep yourself active. Through acts of service, you can show your thanks for those who have supported you along the way.

Ways You Can Give Back

How you choose to give back is up to you; acts of service look different for everyone. Think about what is meaningful to you and how you feel your time and talents could be of the best use.

Choose a charity or non-profit: Your community is probably filled with organizations looking for volunteers. Find a project you are passionate about, whether it’s sorting donations at the food bank, serving meals to the homeless, caring for animals at an animal shelter, or fundraising to protect the environment. Not only will you be giving back, you’ll be learning new skills, making friends, and spending your time in a productive way.

Help a neighbor: You don’t have to look far to find people who could use a helping hand. Raking leaves for an older neighbor is something they might truly appreciate. Bake cookies or a casserole to give to a single parent or a family in need. You might also donate clothing, toys, books, or other things to help out, be it for a neighbor or a community organization.

These are just two ideas to get you started. You can show your gratitude in many ways and your actions can inspire others to do the same. Use your recovery to motivate you to make a difference and keep a positive attitude.

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