Celebrating Milestones in Your Recovery

Ongoing sobriety is a reason to celebrate. Each day matters and is another day that you’re doing something positive for your health and your life. Tracking your sobriety can be a way to hold yourself accountable and reflect on how far you have come. You’ll see how amazing it feels to achieve a week, a month, two months, six months, a year, and more. Others may not understand firsthand how meaningful these milestones are, but you do, and others in recovery do as well.

Celebrate milestones that are important and meaningful to you. You may choose to do something on your own, or to invite friends and family into the festivities. The event can be as big or as small as you want it to be. Here are a few ways you can celebrate:

  • Plan a special activity such as getting your nails done, a day at the spa, a round of golf, or a day at the amusement park.
  • Invite close friends over for a small celebration at your house or favorite restaurant with dinner and dessert or maybe watching a movie or playing games.
  • Book a weekend getaway to treat yourself and explore somewhere new. This can renew your motivation and energy to keep moving forward.
  • Buy yourself a special treat you’ve been saving up for and working toward. Maybe it’s a watch or necklace that reminds you of how far you’ve come, or a new shirt, a pair of shoes, or a video game.
  • Take a few moments to reflect. Read through your gratitude journal and appreciate how much your life has changed for the better.
  • Tick off goals you have achieved and set a few new ones to keep yourself motivated.
  • Attend a support group meeting and commemorate your achievement with others in recovery.

No matter how you celebrate, be proud of yourself and how far you have come, as well as how much more you want to accomplish. Above It All can help you learn the strategies and develop the resources you need to achieve long-term recovery and turn your life around.

[cta] Are you struggling to maintain your sobriety? Contact Above It All to learn more about how we can support you in recovery! [/cta]