“Hitting rock bottom” is a common phrase used in addiction recovery. As Above It All patients, many of us have flirted with, or witnessed the final straw that ultimately kick-starts our turn-around.
What many addicts don’t grasp is exactly what event will serve in changing the self-destructive tides, and whether this event will occur before it’s too late.
Rock Bottom – Defined
Those who have hit rock bottom are experiencing their lowest point in the addiction behavior cycle. Emotional, physical, financial, mental, and social skeletons act only as a reminder of what once was.
Addicts live an abnormally structure lifestyle. This “structure” revolves around getting the next fix. The loss of support – whether financial, physical, mental, social – often leads to an overwhelming wave of emotion, which the addict is unable to handle.
– Where will I sleep?
– How will I get money?
– What can I sell for drugs?
– How can I lie my way out of this?
Questions like these often go unanswered with addicts involved in a crisis state. Some may start engaging in criminal activities, be prone to emotional break downs, or experience psychotic outbursts.
At this point, the addict’s behaviors have likely severely damage the family dynamic. But because addiction is a family disease, the roles of the family members may continue to bolster the alcoholic or addict.
Friends and family members may find themselves feeling that the individual in question does not have a “rock bottom”, and that the addiction will continue down the same path inevitably. Others hold the belief that death is the real “rock bottom”. Neither theory is correct.
Raising Rock Bottom
The act of “raising rock bottom” refers to the process by where family and friends are able to push the addict towards the help they require.
How does it work?
Friends and family members can remove all financial aid, shelter, or any other types of support that enable the individual to continue their destructive behaviors. Legal, emotional and financial support… once these aspects have been removed, the addict will find additional incentive to seek help and alter their current situation.
Though it can be painful to remove support from a loved one who is struggling, this step is a necessary one is certain cases. Avoid your own guilt, and place your focus forward towards a happy, sober, and productive life to come.
Need Help?
At “rock bottom” the only way out is up. Give out Above It All addiction counselors a call today, and let us give you a solid helping hand in your recovery journey back to the top.