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How To Maintain Your Sobriety

When it comes to recovery, achieving sobriety is often said to be the easy part; staying sober is the real challenge. Though the withdrawal and rehabilitation process is often difficult for many addicts, the lessons learned within our treatment facility will do little if not implemented daily following your release. In this entry, we will discuss how to maintain your sobriety following your rehab treatment completion.

1 – One simple rule: Don’t use. If you do not ingest, snort, smoke, etc. you will not become inebriated. While this rule may seem simple and self-explanatory in regard to relapse prevention, it is often one of the hardest rules to follow. As such, there will be no “for old time’s sake”, or “just a taste”. If you don’t pick up your addiction, the cycle will remain stagnant.

2 – Find yourself some positive support outside of the Above It All substance abuse rehabilitation facility. Though our counselors will always be available to help you through the hard times, it’s important to immerse yourself within an environment that caters to your drive and determination to remain sober. Select hobbies and activities that boost confidence and increase your self-esteem. The more active you are, the better you’ll feel. The better you feel, the more likely you’ll be able to maintain your sobriety.

3 – Set some goals. From alcohol drug detox to program completion, you’ll have plenty of time to reflect on past experiences and the mistakes that have been made. Use these ask a guide to better yourself following rehab. A plan of action will keep you focused, determined and driven to succeed. By choosing your goals ahead of time, you’ll have less opportunity to question your sobriety and decisions moving forward.

4 – Keep an eye our for triggers. Different times of the year can be more stressful and difficult than others. When these dates approach, be sure to place yourself in a supportive environment with people who are sympathetic to your sobriety. Hit up AA meetings and avoid putting yourself in situations or around individuals that may trigger negative emotions. Stay positive and remain strong. This too shall pass.

5 – Go easy on yourself. Recovery is never an easy process. If you fall down, take the opportunity to learn from your mistake and get back on track. Never give up on your goals and fight the good fight. Your recovery may not be as graceful as you might have thought, but as long as you stay in the game, the rewards remain the same.


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