Many in recovery from alcoholism or addiction often attribute a large portion of their success in abstinence to a spiritual focus within their holistic alcohol & drug treatment program. Though a number of factors ultimately play into a long-lasting recovery – including daily reflection, family, support networks, therapy and routine personal inventory, those who relapse typically blame a loss of spirituality on their setback. Unfortunately, many directly associate spirituality with religion and thus refuse to participate in this crucial recovery component. Knowing the difference between these two areas while placing a focus on spirituality may mean the difference between years of struggle and a perpetual freedom.
Simply put, religion and spirituality are very different concepts. Religion is defined by a very specific set of practices and beliefs that are followed by a particular group. Spirituality, on the other hand, is not organized and is practiced by millions of people at any given moment, without restriction or rules. Spirituality refers to the idea that there is a force greater than you – regardless of what it may be. Some people call this “god”; others find what they’re looking for in nature; for some, this recognition comes in the form of one’s own inner power. The decision is purely up to you, so long as you choose to decide.
The Relationship
The relationship between recovery and spirituality is often defined by the sense of chaos experienced in addiction. Spirituality can serve to restore this imbalance by incorporating a “higher power” into the addict’s life. This is due in part to the idea that while addiction is a progressive clinical disease, it is also recognized as a spiritual imbalance.
When it comes to alcoholism or addiction recovery, perhaps the most important function of spirituality is the camaraderie and support of like-minded individuals. Sharing similar beliefs and views – especially within a group of recovering peers – works to create a sold base from which to launch a lasting recovery.
Alcoholics and addicts are famous for their issues with denial. Though it may be easy to hide the truth from family and friends, it will be difficult to maintain these delusions while engaged in daily spiritual practices. Once the addict is forced to look at their situation in an open and honest manner, the weight of denial will begin to fade.
Looking for a holistic drug rehab in California? Contact Above It All treatment Center today! With a team of seasoned addiction and recovery specialists available to assess and address your individual needs you can count on Above It All to have you smiling, healthy and on the fast track to success in no time. Call today for more information!