Change can enter our lives silently and this change can be just as important as change we have worked hard for.
We all see things about ourselves, our relationships, and our world that we want to change. Often, this desire leads us to take action toward inner work that we need to do or toward some external goal. Sometimes, without any big announcement or momentous shift, we wake up to find that change has happened, seemingly without us. This can feel like a miracle as we suddenly see that our self-esteem really does seem to be intact, or our partner actually is helping out around the house more or in our case he have managed to stay sober for a good chunk of time. We may even wonder whether all of our hard work had anything to do with it, or if it just happened by way of grace. Sobriety can be like this too in the sense that we get a moment of clarity long enough to see that we need alcohol addiction help and need to change the way were living. Many of us don’t need to work hard in order to come to that conclusion. We simply have been living our lives, and as the disease progresses we see that things have to change and that carrying on like this is no longer working for us.
As alcoholics, sometimes we have relatively short attention spans, and easily lose sight of the fact that we need help or change our minds and go back to thinking that drugs and alcohol will work for us. That is why going to a drug addiction detox, meetings, or an affordable rehab are important things to consider. They serve as a constant reminder of where we came from and why we decided to get and stay sober. Despite seeking help from treatment facilities or outside help this doesn’t mean that our efforts play no part in the miracle of change—they do. It’s just that