Alcohol Rehab in California: Help to Break Free from Addiction

Alcoholism can be a difficult form of addiction to spot in someone you care for. Unlike street drugs, it is a legal substance and one that forms part of celebrations with family and friends. It can be very difficult to tell the difference between someone who is simply enjoying him or herself and a person who may have slipped into a dependency on alcohol.

If you are dealing with a person who is an alcoholic, a pattern will develop over time. He or she will find it more difficult to hide his or her dependency on alcohol from family and friends. Other people may become aware of the issue before the alcoholic is willing to admit there is a problem. Some signs that may signal a problem would include:

  • Drinking to excess
  • Persistent use of alcohol even when the person knows that it is causing a problem
  • Neglect of work, social, or family-related activities because of alcohol use
  • Large amounts of time spent on buying, consuming and recovering from alcohol use
  • The person experiences withdrawal symptoms when he or she stops drinking

Effective Treatment for Alcoholism

It can be challenging to convince someone who has developed a dependency on alcohol that he or her she needs treatment, but the first step in getting help is to admit that there is a problem. Addiction is an equal-opportunity disease and it has no respect for age, marital status, religion, race, or any of the other superficial things we use to convince ourselves that certain groups are different from us.

The first step in getting help for alcoholism is to call the alcohol hotline. You’ll be connected to a recovery specialist who can answer your questions about a 28-day treatment program. The first stage of treatment is detoxification, or detox. The client must be freed from the physical effects of alcohol. This stage is supervised by experienced, caring staff.

The next stage of treatment involves tackling the issues that led to the addiction and learning new coping skills for a sober lifestyle. By going to a treatment facility, a client can focus his or her attention on getting well, without the distractions of everyday life or the temptations that may make it easy to slip back into using alcohol as easily. Treatment will include a combination of the following:

  • Process group sessions
  • One-one-one meeting with an alcohol counselor
  • Individual therapy sessions
  • Alcoholics Anonymous meetings
  • Educational group meetings

Get Help for Alcoholism Now

You don’t have to wait one more day to find out about treatment options available for someone you love. Caring, confidential help is available at Above It All Treatment Center right now. All you need to do is pick up the phone and give us a call. Taking that first step is easy, and you’ll be glad you reached out to us.

12 Step Programs Offer Support and Guidance to Treat Addiction

Are you looking for help with an addiction? While some people are specifically looking for a faith-based treatment center, this is not the right option for everyone. A 12-step program is a non-denominational approach to treatment that has helped millions of people around the world who have struggled with addictions.

Alcoholics Anonymous – The First 12 Step Program

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) was the first program to use this treatment model. The idea of attending meetings and sharing personal stories is one that has been a foundation of the program from the outset. Members of the group gain strength from listening to each other and stay motivated to remain sober.

Working the 12 Steps Towards Recovery

You don’t need to be part of any particular religious group for this type of program to work for you. All you need is a willingness to move into recovery. 12 step programs are meant to be a lifelong change, not merely something that you are going to be doing for just a short time. If you are prepared to take on this commitment and walk the path, you can look forward to a bright, sober future.

Taking the first step and admitting that you are powerless over your addiction can be the most challenging one. People like to feel that they are in control of themselves and their life. Perhaps you started using drugs and/or alcohol because you felt anxious or uncomfortable, and these substances helped to “take the edge off” those feelings. The first step in the program is a necessary one, and once you enter an addiction treatment facility, you will have help and support with this step from caring and experienced counselors and therapists.

Get Help for Addiction

Along with the 12 steps, your stay at a treatment facility will also include other programs. You will spend time in one-on-one sessions with an addiction counselor and in group therapy sessions. It’s not enough just to go through detox and free your body from the physical effects of the drugs or alcohol; you need to figure out why you were attracted to these substances.

Once you have a clear handle on the underlying reasons for your addiction, you can develop strategies for avoiding a relapse. The caring staff at Above It all Treatment Center are ready to help you break free from addiction. They have helped many clients and their families get the help they need to live sober, happier lives, and they can do the same for you.

Are you ready to make a positive change today? Taking the first step isn’t difficult; all you need to do is pick up the phone and say you want to talk to a recovery specialist. Call now for a confidential assessment, and take the first step toward a better future.