The Dangers Of Binge Drinking

The dangers of alcohol binges are both serious and severe. Short and long term effects often have a negative and lasting impact on an individual’s life. Not only are there immediate physical reactions that may be experienced, there are often many personal and emotional issues that can result from excessive alcohol intake. For those engaging in frequent binge drinking, alcohol addiction treatment may be the answer.

Short Term Effects Of Binge Drinking

Many of the short term effects associated with binge drinking are physical ailments. An individual who has consumed an excessive amount of alcohol in a short time frame may experience a whole host of issues, including nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, blurred vision, slurred speech, dizziness, headaches, and more. Alcohol impairs judgment, so a person who has had too much to drink may put themselves at risk by entering dangerous or risky situations. Injuries can also occur as a result of poor judgment and accidents.

Some individuals may find that they become unconscious after drinking large quantities of alcohol in a short amount of time. Once the individual comes to, they realize that there is chunk of time that is unaccounted for when they were passed out. This is extremely risky behavior, because a person who is passed out is very vulnerable. Not knowing what occurred during such times can lead to emotional issues, which in turn can lead to more drinking. Binge drinking can become a vicious cycle that is extremely difficult to break without professional help.

Long Term Binge Drinking Effects

Consuming large quantities of alcohol will take a real toll on a person’s physical condition. The body can essentially become poisoned over time, and alcohol poisoning can also occur during a single incident of binging. Heart conditions, high blood pressure, weight gain, bloating, and liver damage are just some of the long term physical effects that are likely. Some health problems can be debilitating, and some of the damaging effects of alcohol abuse can be irreversible.

As alcohol abuse and addiction begin to take over a binge drinker’s life, their relationships are likely to suffer. From friendships to marriages to employment, all types of personal and professional relationships can be harmed for a person struggling with alcohol dependency. Not only is it stressful for an addict to go through their day to day life, it is also extremely difficult for their family members and friends. Alcohol addiction treatment offers the best chance for leading a healthier and happier life that is free of the chains of alcoholism and its detrimental effects.

Seeking Help For Alcohol Abuse

For those with a loved one that is struggling with binge drinking, alcohol addiction and abuse info is essential. Knowing the signs and symptoms of addiction can make a big difference. Binge drinking is often a symptom of a much larger issue. Alcohol addiction treatment programs offer help for those who need it to change their lives for the better.

How Do You Reverse The Effects Of Alcohol On The Body?

Excessive drinking over an elongated period can result in serious damage to the brain and liver in addition to other health issues. The amount of damage is generally proportionate to the amount of time spent drinking and the consumption amounts throughout that period.

If you are seeking a change in lifestyle, the good news is that a portion of these negative effects can still be reversed. Though the journey is a difficult one, you will find that the benefits are well worth the effort.

[cta] Ready to quit drinking & start over? Call us at (888) 997-4116! We’re here to help.[/cta]

Steps To Reverse Effects Of Alcohol On The Body

1 – Stop drinking. According to a 2006 study by Stanford University, alcoholics who kick the bottle were able to regain mental abilities and cognitive skills. Results were generally seen following 13 months of complete abstinence and progressed over time.

2 – Nutrition is key! Make vegetables and fruits an everyday habit, choose whole grain alternatives over white flour carbohydrates and opt for white meat instead of red. Eat three meals daily alongside small snacks to keep your blood sugar at a healthy level. Avoid sugar, saturated fats and excess salt.

3 – Begin taking stem enhancers*. These are remedies that serve to grow new cells where damage is present. Some people have rebuilt up to 25% of their liver cells with the aid of stem enhancers; improving the health of the liver for years to come. *Always discuss with your physician before starting or taking any supplements, enhancers or medicines.

4 – Get physical! Routine physical activity should become the norm to help your body regain the strength lost during your drinking years. Exercise will also rid your body of toxins that have complied over time.

5 – Take milk thistle seeds. Native to parts of Africa, Europe and Asia, milk thistle is an herb commonly used to address liver issues. Though most people opt for the pill form, it can also be taken in as a tea. Be sure to take milk thistle as directed by the instructions provided on the package. Those who are currently on any prescription medication, are breastfeeding or pregnant are advised to consult with their physician before beginning a milk thistle regimen to avoid any adverse issues.

6 – Drink mineral water. Though it may sound silly, mineral water is widely considered a healthier alternative to tap water. When you drink mineral water, the minerals get deposited throughout the body, resulting in a variety of therapeutic benefits, the major one being the balance of the body overall.

Researching alcohol addiction facilities? Contact Above It All addiction Treatment Center! With a team of seasoned addiction and recovery specialists available to assess and address your individual needs, you can count on Above It All Treatment Center to have you on the fast track to recovery in no time. Call today for more information!

Read About What To Avoid During Recovery From Alcohol

The Effects of Alcohol Abuse on Your Teeth

Alcohol abuse is an all-too-common problem in the United States. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, one in four children grows up in a home where someone drinks too much. Most people are familiar with the dangers associated with drinking and driving and can appreciate that being under the influence puts them at risk for being involved in slip and fall accidents, but did you know that alcohol abuse can have an effect on your oral health?

Your dentist will tell you that the amount of alcohol you drink has a bearing on your risk of developing certain types of cancer, as well as your risk of tooth decay and other oral health-related problems.

Dental Problems Caused by Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse can cause the following problems:

• Cavities (due to high sugar content in some alcoholic drinks)
• Erosion of the tooth surface
• Tooth decay
• Cancer of the mouth, larynx, pharynx, and esophagus

The results of a study on a group of clients at an inpatient substance abuse treatment center published in the Journal of the American Dental Association found that 85% of participants had “moderate-to-severe gingival inflammation, and more than two-thirds had a heavy accumulation of dental plaque.” Over three-quarters of participants had cavities, and 15% had missing teeth. This rate was higher than the general population, according to the researchers.

Treatment for Alcohol Addiction to Improve Overall Health

Someone who is struggling with alcohol addiction is dealing with a chronic disease which can lead to serious health consequences if left untreated. An addict is unable to stop drinking on his or her own; the person needs help. The longer the addiction is allowed to continue unchecked, the greater the damage is likely to be. Rather than waiting for an alcoholic to hit his or her “rock bottom,” a family can investigate 90 day rehab programs to find one that can provide detox and counseling services.

This is a serious matter, and there is no advantage to waiting. If you are concerned about a loved one’s drinking and aren’t sure how to bring up the subject, you may want to try to get him or her in to see a dentist for a check-up. It might be a way to start a conversation about the effects of alcohol abuse and oral health. Having the dentist and his or her staff talk about the consequences of drinking on teeth and gums may have more of an impact than a family member trying to broach the subject, and it may make a conversation about getting treatment for alcohol addiction easier.

Get Treatment from Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers in California

Rolling Hills and views

Are you concerned about your own or a loved one’s drinking? Alcoholism is an insidious disease that winds its way through families, destroying lives as it goes. If you look back over time to try to determine exactly when you or your loved one became an addict, you’d probably see that it was a slow, gradual process.

It’s all too easy to get caught up in a dependence on alcohol. The fact that it is easy to obtain alcohol and socially acceptable to drink doesn’t make it any less dangerous to you or the people around you. Once drinking becomes something that controls you or someone you love, it is a problem that needs to be dealt with.

While having the illness take hold didn’t happen overnight, don’t wait for your loved one to hit rock bottom before you start trying to get them some help. Likewise, you don’t want to wait until you have lost everything near and dear to you before you start to look at addiction inpatient treatment center in California to see how they can help you move away from addiction.

Inpatient Recovery Centers for Alcohol Abuse

Seeking treatment at an inpatient recovery center means you or your loved one will be able to focus on getting well, away from the distractions and stressors that accompany regular life. On arrival at an alcohol recovery inpatient facility, the first step for all clients is to go through detoxification.

After this process has been completed, an individualized treatment plan is set up for each client. The 28-day treatment program allows clients to focus on getting well. While at first glance it may seem as though people can’t interrupt their busy lives to take time away from their responsibilities to get help, the Above It All counselors will work with you and your family to find solutions so that the focus can be on getting well for those precious days.

When you consider that alcoholism is a chronic, life-threatening disease, nothing should stand in the way of clients who need help getting all the support they need to get well. Everyday life is full of distractions, stresses and triggers that will only make an alcoholic want to continue to use the same coping strategies, which involve drinking as a means to get comfort, deal with stress, or whatever the payoff is for continuing to abuse alcohol.

Get a Fresh Start from an Addiction Treatment Center

Recovery from alcohol abuse is possible. To be successful, you will need to seek treatment from the best alcohol and chemical dependency centers. Los Angeles residents and clients from other parts of the state and out of state come to Above it All Treatment Center. Contact us now to find out more about our programs. We have recovery specialists available to take your call.

Alcohol Centers Offer Help by Treating the Underlying Cause of Addiction

Are you concerned about the amount of alcohol that your loved one is drinking? Has the problem gotten to the point where the problem is harder to hide? Since drinking is legal (for adults) and socially acceptable, it can be difficult to determine when someone you care for has crossed the line to alcoholism.

Denial Part of the Problem

It makes matters worse when people don’t come right out and say the word “alcoholic.” We tend to talk around the issue instead and use words that sugar coat the issue of addiction, rather than face it head on. How many of these expressions have you used or heard around alcohol abuse?

  • “Joe sure likes to tie one on.”
  • “Mike can really hold his liquor.”
  • “Kim has a bit of a ‘drinking problem’.”
  • “It’s a good thing that Sam only drinks beer. I’d be concerned if he was drinking hard liquor.”

When people don’t come right out describe alcohol abuse as exactly what it is – alcoholism, it is much harder to get people into alcohol treatment centers where they can get the help they need.

Don’t Wait to Get Help for Alcohol Addiction

If you know someone who has a problem with drinking, the best thing you can do for your loved one is to admit it to yourself first. Get the person you care for into a treatment program.

All they need to get started is a willingness to change. The treatment will start with alcohol addiction detox. During this stage, your loved one will stop using alcohol. He or she will be monitored as the toxic physical effects of the substance wear off. The process is closely monitored by fully trained personnel. If medical attention is needed, clients are transported to the local hospital emergency room.

Alcohol Addiction Counseling

After the detoxification stage is finished, the focus of the treatment turns to helping clients identify the factors that made them turn to alcohol. Through individual and group counseling sessions, your loved one will be able to learn about the emotional triggers that make him or her want to pick up a bottle and drink.

A California alcohol rehab center provides 12-step programs to clients. They offer fellowship and support through sharing personal accounts of struggles with alcohol. Many people find being in the room with other people who have been through similar experiences very helpful. They feel a real connection with other clients who are going through recovery at the same time.

Unless the underlying root of the problem is dealt with, a person will leave the treatment center and slip back into his or her familiar ways of coping with stress, boredom, anxiety or depression after the course of treatment has been completed. This is the best way to tackle the issue for long-term recovery.

You don’t have to wait one more day to get help for a loved one’s drinking. Contact a recovery specialist at Above It All Recovery Center today.

Alcohol Rehab in California: Help to Break Free from Addiction

Alcoholism can be a difficult form of addiction to spot in someone you care for. Unlike street drugs, it is a legal substance and one that forms part of celebrations with family and friends. It can be very difficult to tell the difference between someone who is simply enjoying him or herself and a person who may have slipped into a dependency on alcohol.

If you are dealing with a person who is an alcoholic, a pattern will develop over time. He or she will find it more difficult to hide his or her dependency on alcohol from family and friends. Other people may become aware of the issue before the alcoholic is willing to admit there is a problem. Some signs that may signal a problem would include:

  • Drinking to excess
  • Persistent use of alcohol even when the person knows that it is causing a problem
  • Neglect of work, social, or family-related activities because of alcohol use
  • Large amounts of time spent on buying, consuming and recovering from alcohol use
  • The person experiences withdrawal symptoms when he or she stops drinking

Effective Treatment for Alcoholism

It can be challenging to convince someone who has developed a dependency on alcohol that he or her she needs treatment, but the first step in getting help is to admit that there is a problem. Addiction is an equal-opportunity disease and it has no respect for age, marital status, religion, race, or any of the other superficial things we use to convince ourselves that certain groups are different from us.

The first step in getting help for alcoholism is to call the alcohol hotline. You’ll be connected to a recovery specialist who can answer your questions about a 28-day treatment program. The first stage of treatment is detoxification, or detox. The client must be freed from the physical effects of alcohol. This stage is supervised by experienced, caring staff.

The next stage of treatment involves tackling the issues that led to the addiction and learning new coping skills for a sober lifestyle. By going to a treatment facility, a client can focus his or her attention on getting well, without the distractions of everyday life or the temptations that may make it easy to slip back into using alcohol as easily. Treatment will include a combination of the following:

  • Process group sessions
  • One-one-one meeting with an alcohol counselor
  • Individual therapy sessions
  • Alcoholics Anonymous meetings
  • Educational group meetings

Get Help for Alcoholism Now

You don’t have to wait one more day to find out about treatment options available for someone you love. Caring, confidential help is available at Above It All Treatment Center right now. All you need to do is pick up the phone and give us a call. Taking that first step is easy, and you’ll be glad you reached out to us.

Alcoholism Diagnosis

Many times, determining whether someone is an actual alcoholic or not is really not all that important. If someone’s drinking and drugging has advanced to the point to where it has become a problem for them and those around them, then it is a problem, period. If the person has tried to quit — swore to themselves and others “never again!” — And simply cannot stop, then chances are they have become dependent or addicted.

Alcohol problems occur at different levels of severity, from mild and annoying to life-threatening. Although alcohol dependence (alcoholism) is the most severe problem, less severe drinking problems can also be dangerous. The term “alcoholism” refers to a disease known as alcohol dependence syndrome, the most severe stage of a range of drinking problems.

Alcoholism is called a progressive disease, meaning that over time the symptoms and effects of drinking alcohol become more intense and severe. The symptoms in the early stages differ from those during later stages as the disease progresses from binge drinking to alcohol abuse to alcohol

Alcoholism and addictions can develop so slowly and insidiously that you sometimes don’t notice the effects that it has on your life and others around you. These self-assessment quizzes are designed to help you determine just how much you may have been affected and whether or not you need to seek help.

Because alcoholics are likely to deny or minimize the amount of alcohol they consume, most alcohol screening tests ask questions about problems usually caused by excessive drinking, rather than ask about how much the person drinks. More and more short tests have been developed in recent years so they can be easily administered in busy healthcare settings.

Because one of the most common symptoms of alcoholism is denial, diagnosing alcoholism can be difficult — the diagnosis depends on the individual’s willingness to answer questions about their drinking honestly. Usually, the friends and family members closest to the drinker see the problem long before it is diagnosed in a medical setting.

Mental health professionals are increasingly considering alcoholism and addiction as diseases that flourish in and are enabled by family systems. Family members react to the alcoholic with particular behavioral patterns. They may enable the addiction to continue by shielding the addict from the negative consequences of his actions. Such behaviors are referred to as codependence. In this way, the alcoholic is said to suffer from the disease of addiction, whereas the family members suffer from the disease of codependence.

Alcoholism is one of the leading causes of a dysfunctional family. As of 2001, there were an estimated 26.8 million children of alcoholics (COAs) in the United States, with as many as 11 million of them under the age of 18. Children of addicts have an increased suicide rate and on average have total health care costs 32 percent greater than children of nonalcoholic families.

At Above It All Treatment Centers, we are here for you.  We can diagnose and treat you for any type of alcohol ism or alcohol abuse.  We will follow you through the diagnosis to the completion of your personally tailored program to allow you every chance at a successful recovery. Contact us today so we can show you the path to recovery

Following Your Dreams in Sobriety

When it comes to recovery and sobriety we have to follow our dreams. Sometimes we have to commence to outgrow fear, take risks, and show ourselves what we are capable of. It’s one of the blessings and gifts that we receive. We receive alcohol addiction help, get sober, and as a result get to chase our dreams. If we are spiritually fit we get to go anywhere and do anything we want. There are many different opinions within the rooms around what is right or wrong good or bad but we learn through the help of a 30 day rehab program, A.A., or drug addiction detox how to build a foundation and follow our gut. We will come to know how to intuitively handle situations that use to baffle us and we will eventually learn when something doesn’t work for us or isn’t going to long before putting ourselves in harm’s way. We can begin to rely upon a power greater than ourselves and if we go with God in our hearts and sobriety in our minds we can accomplish anything. We got sober not only so we could escape from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body but also so that we could create a life worth living, and that we could be proud of. It’s a life beyond our wildest dreams. We get to live happy, healthy, and free lives. Let this be the first day of the rest of your life. Go and chase you dreams, enjoy sobriety, and live this amazing life we were given to the fullest!

Why Should You Seek Alcohol Rehab

Without the aid of alcohol rehab, a drinking problem won’t go away on its own. Instead, it becomes more and more damaging to both the alcoholic, and his or her family.

What we know is this: In nearly every case, alcohol and drug abuse are nothing more than symptoms of a much larger problem. Most often, substance abuse is used as a coping mechanism to avoid feelings of guilt or shame; sometimes it is used to address a spiritual malady, or to fill an emptiness that can’t be resolved without assistance from an outside source. You build walls to protect yourself from harmful feelings, but as those barriers go up, your willpower goes down… and soon you find yourself trapped in a never-ending cycle, with no resolution in sight. The farther you travel down the path of addiction, the harder it is to see how lost you really are, or to regain your footing after a stumble.

At Above It All Treatment Center, our clinical treatment will help you tear down those walls and map a route to move past them. Our highly trained, professional and compassionate staff stands ready to help you every step of the way. With our support, you will soon begin to function productively, without the feelings of guilt and shame and other barriers holding you back now.

The true strength of the Above It All program lies in its blend of clinical therapies and a 12-step immersion program; this powerful combination creates a synergistic balance that is unique to Above It All Treatment Center. As you progress in the program, you will be assigned specific Big Book studies best suited to help you work though the steps.

There is hope. With the right alcohol rehab program — treatment available with our help — alcoholics can, and have, learned to conquer their disease.

Alcohol rehabilitation is, simply put, an alcoholic’s best shot at starting a healthier, happier new life. The path won’t always be easy — the process begins with an alcohol detox period of several days, during which the body is cleansed of the toxins that come from wine, liquor or beer. The cleaning process can include unpleasant withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, depression and sweats or chills, but it’s necessary in combating the disease.

Once the detox is complete, the patient will continue with intensive, inpatient counseling that provides a chance to get to the bottom of the issues that caused the alcoholism in the first place. This is sometimes done through group therapy sessions where the patient can receive emotional support from others also starting a new life in recovery.

If you find that you or a family member are in need of alcohol rehabilitation, please contact us today and get started on the road to recovery.  Above It All Treatment Center is here to help you every step of the way.

The Miracle of Change in Sobriety

“It may seem incredible that these men are to become happy, respected, and useful once more. How can they rise out of such misery, bad repute and hopelessness? The practical answer is that since these things have happened among us, they can happen with you. Should you wish them above all else, and be willing to make use of our experience, we are sure they will come. The age of miracles is still with us. Our own recovery hope is that when this chip of a book is launched on the world tide of alcoholism, defeated drinkers will seize upon it to follow its suggestions. Many we are sure will rise to their feet and march on.” – pg. 153 A Vision For You from the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous

For many years AA as well as 30 day rehab programs, sober livings, and other drug addiction detox programs have had high success rates in regards to people seeking alcohol addiction help. Time and time again you see people go through these programs, sober up, and turn their lives around. We become happy, joyous, free, and usefully whole once again. We are filled with gratitude because we are able to do things, and form relationships we never expected to form. Our new life in sobriety is a far cry from when we were out using and drinking. Most of us had become shut off from the world, unable to function in society, spiritually bankrupt, and left feeling helpless/hopeless. When we get sober and do the work all of those problems seem to vanish. We become a productive and some may even say valuable asset to society. We begin to think about what we can bring to a situation rather than what we can take from it and as a result we reap the blessings and benefits.