The Dangers Of Binge Drinking

The dangers of alcohol binges are both serious and severe. Short and long term effects often have a negative and lasting impact on an individual’s life. Not only are there immediate physical reactions that may be experienced, there are often many personal and emotional issues that can result from excessive alcohol intake. For those engaging in frequent binge drinking, alcohol addiction treatment may be the answer.

Short Term Effects Of Binge Drinking

Many of the short term effects associated with binge drinking are physical ailments. An individual who has consumed an excessive amount of alcohol in a short time frame may experience a whole host of issues, including nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, blurred vision, slurred speech, dizziness, headaches, and more. Alcohol impairs judgment, so a person who has had too much to drink may put themselves at risk by entering dangerous or risky situations. Injuries can also occur as a result of poor judgment and accidents.

Some individuals may find that they become unconscious after drinking large quantities of alcohol in a short amount of time. Once the individual comes to, they realize that there is chunk of time that is unaccounted for when they were passed out. This is extremely risky behavior, because a person who is passed out is very vulnerable. Not knowing what occurred during such times can lead to emotional issues, which in turn can lead to more drinking. Binge drinking can become a vicious cycle that is extremely difficult to break without professional help.

Long Term Binge Drinking Effects

Consuming large quantities of alcohol will take a real toll on a person’s physical condition. The body can essentially become poisoned over time, and alcohol poisoning can also occur during a single incident of binging. Heart conditions, high blood pressure, weight gain, bloating, and liver damage are just some of the long term physical effects that are likely. Some health problems can be debilitating, and some of the damaging effects of alcohol abuse can be irreversible.

As alcohol abuse and addiction begin to take over a binge drinker’s life, their relationships are likely to suffer. From friendships to marriages to employment, all types of personal and professional relationships can be harmed for a person struggling with alcohol dependency. Not only is it stressful for an addict to go through their day to day life, it is also extremely difficult for their family members and friends. Alcohol addiction treatment offers the best chance for leading a healthier and happier life that is free of the chains of alcoholism and its detrimental effects.

Seeking Help For Alcohol Abuse

For those with a loved one that is struggling with binge drinking, alcohol addiction and abuse info is essential. Knowing the signs and symptoms of addiction can make a big difference. Binge drinking is often a symptom of a much larger issue. Alcohol addiction treatment programs offer help for those who need it to change their lives for the better.

Detox: The First Step In Drug And Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Alcohol and drug addiction detox paves the way for treatment by freeing a client from the physical effects of chemical substances. Going through this process creates a cleaner slate so that the real work of getting to the heart of the issue of addiction and why someone turned to substances to deal with stress or emotional pain can begin in earnest.

Medical detox involves helping addicts become clean and sober by providing a supportive environment during this process. Instead of giving up drugs and alcohol all at once (“cold turkey”), clients are able to wean off of them in a controlled manner. A detox program helps to keep him or her comfortable by controlling physical withdrawal symptoms.

Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms

Opiates include morphine, heroin, Oxycontin, Dilaudid, and codeine. When someone who has been using the drug for some time stops taking it, he or she will experience some withdrawal symptoms. Early symptoms may include:

  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Muscle aches
  • Sweating
  • Yawning

As the withdrawal process continues, the symptoms may change and a person may complain of:

  • Diarrhea
  • Goose bumps
  • Nausea
  • Stomach cramps
  • Vomiting

Detox centers are staffed by trained personnel who can monitor each client’s condition as they go through this necessary process. Supportive care is provided, and medications may be given to treat the anxiety, muscle aches, and cramping, if necessary.

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms usually start within hours after the last drink is consumed. They get worse over the next two or three days and may persist longer in some instances.

  • Anxiety/nervousness
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Mood swings
  • Nightmares

In some cases, alcoholics report feeling these types of symptoms while going through detox:

  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Vomiting

Heavy alcohol users should not try to stop drinking all at once. Instead, they should get help from detox centers in California so that their condition can be monitored. When the condition turns into a severe form of withdrawal called delirium tremens, it can lead to these symptoms:

  • Agitation
  • Fever
  • Hallucinations
  • Severe confusion
  • Seizures

Find an Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment Center

The staff at Above It All Treatment Center can provide caring, supportive care to clients who are going through detox. They recognize that each person being treated at the Center needs to be dealt with as an individual, and that there is no “one size fits all” approach to treatment. The staff works up a treatment plan to address each client’s needs and goals during his or her time at the Center once the veil of chemical substances has been lifted and the focus can be put squarely on getting well.

Sleep Deprivation Can Set The Stage For Drug Addiction

Lack of sleep is an all-too-common problem in modern society. As we rush from one activity to the next, all too often we sacrifice getting the rest we need to cram more “stuff” into our already jam-packed schedules. This would be a mistake, since sleep deprivation (failing to get at least 7.5-9 hours of sleep per night) leads to the following behavioral effects:

• Stress and anxiety
• Depression and irritability
• Difficulty concentrating
• Lower creativity level
• Impaired motor skills

Prescription Medications for Sleep Deprivation

Prescription medications, such as Ativan (lorazepam) may be prescribed as a short-term solution to a person who is having difficulty sleeping. This medication is part of a group of drugs called benzodiazepines and may be used to treat anxiety disorders.

Ativan is not meant to be taken over a long period of time, as this medication is addictive. Patients who are prescribed the drug should read the instructions carefully and only take the dosage as directed by their doctor. It should only be taken by the person for whom it was prescribed.

This medication should not be stopped all at once. A patient who has been taking Ativan who wishes to stop using the medication should discuss his or her plans with the doctor. The dosage may need to be slowly lowered over time to reduce the risk of withdrawal symptoms.

Signs of Ativan Addiction

Indications that a person may have developed an Ativan addiction are as follows:

• Cravings for the drug
• Restlessness or tiredness
• Irritability
• Confusion
• Sweating without engaging in physical activity
• Tingling sensation throughout the entire body
• Rapid heart rate
• Memory loss
• Panic attacks
• Hallucinations
• Nausea
• Vomiting

Dental Problems May be a Sign of Drug Abuse

Dental-Problems-May-be-a-Sign-of-Drug-AbuseA dentist is an important part of a healthcare team. Often, they are aware of an issue even before a patient knows something is wrong, simply by conducting a thorough examination of someone’s teeth and gums. Prescription medications and illegal drugs can cause tooth decay, and excessive damage may indicate substance abuse and an addict in the family.



Tooth Decay and Illegal Drugs

Regular users of the following illegal drugs may experience the following types of tooth issues:

• Cocaine turns the saliva in the mouth acidic, causing dry mouth and erosion of tooth enamel
• Crack cocaine damages the gums, nerves in the mouth, and tooth enamel
• Heroin users get cravings for sweet foods, which leads to cavities if they neglect regular dental care
• Ecstasy causes dry mouth and teeth grinding
• Methamphetamine use leads to severe tooth damage, known as “meth mouth.” The drug causes severe dry mouth, which results in extreme tooth decay. Meth users compound the damage by grinding their teeth, neglecting to brush and floss their teeth for long periods of time, and binging on sweet foods and drinks.

Dental Problems and Prescription Drugs

Prescription drugs can also cause tooth decay from dry mouth. If you or a loved one is taking medication other than as prescribed by a doctor or which have been prescribed for someone else, the risk of tooth damage is quite high. Chronic drug users are also at risk for plaque buildup on teeth, stained teeth (brown or yellow), eroded enamel, and cracks in the teeth.

Find Help for Dental Problems and Drug Addiction

If you are concerned about your own or a loved one’s teeth and think that drug use may have contributed to cavities or other health issues, start by seeing a dentist. Getting professional treatment and receiving information about the risks associated with continuing to use drugs may make an impact. Someone who has experienced tooth decay from drug use needs to seek professional help from a substance abuse treatment program.

Making the choice to enter one of the 90 day rehab programs available means you or your loved one will be able to focus your attention on getting well. Each client gets an individualized treatment program, which may include attending 12 step meetings, individual and group counseling sessions, exercise classes, nutrition courses, group outings, and time for reflection. The treatment process allows each client to learn how to look after him or herself better, including practicing good dental hygiene, in preparation for a sober lifestyle.

The Effects of Alcohol Abuse on Your Teeth

Alcohol abuse is an all-too-common problem in the United States. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, one in four children grows up in a home where someone drinks too much. Most people are familiar with the dangers associated with drinking and driving and can appreciate that being under the influence puts them at risk for being involved in slip and fall accidents, but did you know that alcohol abuse can have an effect on your oral health?

Your dentist will tell you that the amount of alcohol you drink has a bearing on your risk of developing certain types of cancer, as well as your risk of tooth decay and other oral health-related problems.

Dental Problems Caused by Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse can cause the following problems:

• Cavities (due to high sugar content in some alcoholic drinks)
• Erosion of the tooth surface
• Tooth decay
• Cancer of the mouth, larynx, pharynx, and esophagus

The results of a study on a group of clients at an inpatient substance abuse treatment center published in the Journal of the American Dental Association found that 85% of participants had “moderate-to-severe gingival inflammation, and more than two-thirds had a heavy accumulation of dental plaque.” Over three-quarters of participants had cavities, and 15% had missing teeth. This rate was higher than the general population, according to the researchers.

Treatment for Alcohol Addiction to Improve Overall Health

Someone who is struggling with alcohol addiction is dealing with a chronic disease which can lead to serious health consequences if left untreated. An addict is unable to stop drinking on his or her own; the person needs help. The longer the addiction is allowed to continue unchecked, the greater the damage is likely to be. Rather than waiting for an alcoholic to hit his or her “rock bottom,” a family can investigate 90 day rehab programs to find one that can provide detox and counseling services.

This is a serious matter, and there is no advantage to waiting. If you are concerned about a loved one’s drinking and aren’t sure how to bring up the subject, you may want to try to get him or her in to see a dentist for a check-up. It might be a way to start a conversation about the effects of alcohol abuse and oral health. Having the dentist and his or her staff talk about the consequences of drinking on teeth and gums may have more of an impact than a family member trying to broach the subject, and it may make a conversation about getting treatment for alcohol addiction easier.

Alcohol Centers Offer Help by Treating the Underlying Cause of Addiction

Are you concerned about the amount of alcohol that your loved one is drinking? Has the problem gotten to the point where the problem is harder to hide? Since drinking is legal (for adults) and socially acceptable, it can be difficult to determine when someone you care for has crossed the line to alcoholism.

Denial Part of the Problem

It makes matters worse when people don’t come right out and say the word “alcoholic.” We tend to talk around the issue instead and use words that sugar coat the issue of addiction, rather than face it head on. How many of these expressions have you used or heard around alcohol abuse?

  • “Joe sure likes to tie one on.”
  • “Mike can really hold his liquor.”
  • “Kim has a bit of a ‘drinking problem’.”
  • “It’s a good thing that Sam only drinks beer. I’d be concerned if he was drinking hard liquor.”

When people don’t come right out describe alcohol abuse as exactly what it is – alcoholism, it is much harder to get people into alcohol treatment centers where they can get the help they need.

Don’t Wait to Get Help for Alcohol Addiction

If you know someone who has a problem with drinking, the best thing you can do for your loved one is to admit it to yourself first. Get the person you care for into a treatment program.

All they need to get started is a willingness to change. The treatment will start with alcohol addiction detox. During this stage, your loved one will stop using alcohol. He or she will be monitored as the toxic physical effects of the substance wear off. The process is closely monitored by fully trained personnel. If medical attention is needed, clients are transported to the local hospital emergency room.

Alcohol Addiction Counseling

After the detoxification stage is finished, the focus of the treatment turns to helping clients identify the factors that made them turn to alcohol. Through individual and group counseling sessions, your loved one will be able to learn about the emotional triggers that make him or her want to pick up a bottle and drink.

A California alcohol rehab center provides 12-step programs to clients. They offer fellowship and support through sharing personal accounts of struggles with alcohol. Many people find being in the room with other people who have been through similar experiences very helpful. They feel a real connection with other clients who are going through recovery at the same time.

Unless the underlying root of the problem is dealt with, a person will leave the treatment center and slip back into his or her familiar ways of coping with stress, boredom, anxiety or depression after the course of treatment has been completed. This is the best way to tackle the issue for long-term recovery.

You don’t have to wait one more day to get help for a loved one’s drinking. Contact a recovery specialist at Above It All Recovery Center today.

Alcoholism Diagnosis

Many times, determining whether someone is an actual alcoholic or not is really not all that important. If someone’s drinking and drugging has advanced to the point to where it has become a problem for them and those around them, then it is a problem, period. If the person has tried to quit — swore to themselves and others “never again!” — And simply cannot stop, then chances are they have become dependent or addicted.

Alcohol problems occur at different levels of severity, from mild and annoying to life-threatening. Although alcohol dependence (alcoholism) is the most severe problem, less severe drinking problems can also be dangerous. The term “alcoholism” refers to a disease known as alcohol dependence syndrome, the most severe stage of a range of drinking problems.

Alcoholism is called a progressive disease, meaning that over time the symptoms and effects of drinking alcohol become more intense and severe. The symptoms in the early stages differ from those during later stages as the disease progresses from binge drinking to alcohol abuse to alcohol

Alcoholism and addictions can develop so slowly and insidiously that you sometimes don’t notice the effects that it has on your life and others around you. These self-assessment quizzes are designed to help you determine just how much you may have been affected and whether or not you need to seek help.

Because alcoholics are likely to deny or minimize the amount of alcohol they consume, most alcohol screening tests ask questions about problems usually caused by excessive drinking, rather than ask about how much the person drinks. More and more short tests have been developed in recent years so they can be easily administered in busy healthcare settings.

Because one of the most common symptoms of alcoholism is denial, diagnosing alcoholism can be difficult — the diagnosis depends on the individual’s willingness to answer questions about their drinking honestly. Usually, the friends and family members closest to the drinker see the problem long before it is diagnosed in a medical setting.

Mental health professionals are increasingly considering alcoholism and addiction as diseases that flourish in and are enabled by family systems. Family members react to the alcoholic with particular behavioral patterns. They may enable the addiction to continue by shielding the addict from the negative consequences of his actions. Such behaviors are referred to as codependence. In this way, the alcoholic is said to suffer from the disease of addiction, whereas the family members suffer from the disease of codependence.

Alcoholism is one of the leading causes of a dysfunctional family. As of 2001, there were an estimated 26.8 million children of alcoholics (COAs) in the United States, with as many as 11 million of them under the age of 18. Children of addicts have an increased suicide rate and on average have total health care costs 32 percent greater than children of nonalcoholic families.

At Above It All Treatment Centers, we are here for you.  We can diagnose and treat you for any type of alcohol ism or alcohol abuse.  We will follow you through the diagnosis to the completion of your personally tailored program to allow you every chance at a successful recovery. Contact us today so we can show you the path to recovery

How To Handle A Dual Diagnosis

A very simple definition of dual diagnosis is a person who not only suffers from drug or alcohol addiction but also has a mental or emotional disorder. Examples of these include bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia, clinical depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

When a dual diagnosis exists, it may affect a person who is in or needs rehabilitation. This can be especially true if the drug or alcohol addiction actually seems to help the underlying mental or emotional problem.

Further, addiction treatment is sometimes implemented with no knowledge on the part of those administering the treatment that a dual diagnosis exists. This may be caused by the patient not having disclosed this, or having been able to conceal the problem from those conducting rehab programs to the fact that the underlying condition was never diagnosed in the first place.

There have been incidences when those who were in charge of rehabilitation could not figure out why rehab programs were not working. Upon further examination and consideration, however, the fact that the patient was indeed suffering from depression, bi-polar disorder, or another mental or emotional problem came to light, and the treatment program was adjusted to account for this.

In some cases, the patient may enter into rehabilitation with that fact already disclosed, and may even be on medication for the problems. As mentioned earlier, however, this is not always the case and those who operate and work at addiction treatment facilities need to be aware that there is a possibility of dual diagnosis.

Whether or not the problem is known at the beginning, once it is realized, those who come in contact with patients in drug or alcohol rehabilitation may need to be extra vigilant in how they approach the patient, especially during counseling sessions. In addition, it may be necessary to take additional steps to see that a patient is protected from injuring himself and others.

There are some addiction treatment facilities, like Above It All Treatment Center, that actually provide case managers for those diagnosed with dual diagnosis as a result of trauma during childhood or at other times. A patient in this situation is under the care of both a clinician and a case manager, who make sure that the patient has access to treatment for both his mental or emotional problem and addiction treatment. In addition, they collaborate with everyone involved in every aspect of the patient’s treatment.

Sometimes, in order to facilitate treatment, and make it easier on both the patient and care providers, efforts are made to place the patient in the care of someone who can provide both clinical treatment for the mental/emotional disorder as well as drug abuse counseling and other aspects of drug rehabilitation. This allows the patient to only have to deal with one person, and gives the care provider the opportunity to see what is happening in both areas of treatment, without having to constantly consult with other personnel. The result is a greater overall chance of success in treatment of both problems.

Signs Of Addiction: Who Do I Call?

Above It All Treatment and Recovery Center offers extensive recovery programs for those that are dealing with drug or alcohol addiction.  There are many different types of drug addiction, and they have the necessary skills to help you beat any type of addiction that you may be facing.  Addiction is definitely something that should not be taken lightly.  If you have a drug or alcohol problem, then you will need to get the proper medical treatment in order to make a full recovery.

Above It All Treatment and Recovery Center has a variety of advantages over the other facilities that you may be considering.  First of all, they offer many different types of treatment.  While the 12 step program may help most people, it may not be the only thing that you need to help you get through your addiction.  You will also find residential inpatient programs and outpatient therapy as well.  The program that you choose will be tailored to meet your specific needs.

Addiction is something that can creep up on you quickly.  You may not even realize that you have a problem with drugs or alcohol.  Dependency is something that can happen quickly, or it can happen over time.  Each person will have a different experience with addiction.  If addiction is something that runs in your family, then you may be more prone to becoming dependent on drugs or alcohol- even after just a short period of time.  Therefore, look for the signs of addiction and turn to Above It All Treatment and Recovery Center now.

Above It All Treatment and Recovery Center– Call (888) 634-4546 to Get Help Now

Addiction – How Does It Happen?

Addiction is most often defined by a compulsive psychological and/or physical dependency or obsession to anything. Many people tend to associate addiction with drug and alcohol dependency. However, addiction is often seen throughout an array of varying substances, activities and objects. Regardless of the focus, addiction is always an unhealthy obsession.


Addiction can occur over a lifetime or overnight. For some people, it occurs quickly –  while for others, the progression is slow. Addiction typically begins following an extreme sense of euphoria, relief, or contentment. Whether the focus is drugs, sex, shopping or the internet, the addict will continue engaging in the activity to achieve the high on a repeat basis.


Dependency is seen in both psychological and physical forms. Examining the symptom types experienced during the withdrawal process can help in determining which dependency type you are dealing with. Physical dependency is typically found in addicts engaged in the abuse of substances, such as alcohol opiates, nicotine or amphetamines. During the withdrawal period, these substances alter the user’s physical appearance. A psychological dependency can result in effects ranging from violent behaviors to mood swings and depression. Eating, self-mutilation, gambling, and sexual addiction are typically categorized as psychological dependencies.


Most experts cater to a belief in addiction cycles. The first step in the cycle is a feeling of intense euphoria. Following this, addicts may experience a lost sense of control. They will feel as though the addiction has taken over, and dictates their every decision. Craving is the third step in the cycle. To appease these cravings, addicts must take part in the fourth cycle step – use. The fifth and final step in the cycle finds the addict with a belief that their life has become repetitive and predictable. It is during this stage that the addict may begin considering recovery options.

Warning Signs

Diagnosing an addiction is much easier than the fight to overcome it. Specific changes in appearance and mood are simple exterior giveaways. Volatile mood swings are yet another common warning sign.


Scientists have been able to determine a heightened risk in certain individuals for addiction development. Four basic categories are typically used when attempting to assess an individual’s predisposition: mental, physical, social and emotional. The mental factor pertains to individuals suffering from mental illness or low self-esteem. The physical factor is genetics. Emotional factors include individuals who have dealt with depressive situations, such as the death of a loved one or childhood abuse. Social refers to people that associate themselves within groups where drugs or readily available.


If you or someone you know is struggling with a substance addiction, out Above It All drug rehab counselors are available to help! Give us a call today and let our team help you back on track towards the happy, healthy, and fulfilling lifestyle you deserve.