12 Step Addiction Treatment Programs – Top Questions Answered

Twelve step programs can be part of an inpatient or outpatient drug or alcohol addiction treatment program. Alcoholics Anonymous was the first program to use this approach, and other groups have adapted it to suit their needs. The first step on the road to recovery is to acknowledge that there is a problem. Here are some FAQs about the 12-step approach to treatment.

Why Is It Important For An Addict To Admit The Problem?

In Step 1, the addict admits that he or she is “powerless” over alcohol (or drugs) and that his or her life has become unmanageable. This is the start of the process where the person is starting to come out of denial and starts to focus less on the substance and more on their own contribution to the problem.

How Often Do I Need To Go To 12-Step Meetings?

In the early stages of recovery, a person may go to meetings on a daily basis. For clients who are being treated at 12 step recovery programs, attending meetings may be part of their individual treatment plan. The exact schedule will depend on their needs, and they will continue to attend meetings if they choose to stay at a sober living house after leaving the inpatient treatment program.

Do I Need To Be Religious To Follow A 12-Step Program?

Step 3 does talk about “turning our lives over to the care of God as we understood God,” but this program is non-denominational can be followed by people of any religious faith, as well as by those who consider themselves agnostics or atheists.

When Do I Have To Choose A Sponsor In A 12-Step Program?

You are not required to choose a sponsor in a 12-step program, although you are much more likely to stay sober if you do. If you decide to approach someone about being your sponsor, it should be someone that you have gotten to know from attending several meetings. Take your time and consider the matter carefully. This person should be someone who has been in recovery for a while who can provide guidance and support to you.

Will People Be Judging Me If I Talk At 12-Step Meetings?

Everyone who is going to a recovery meeting understands because they have also struggled with substance abuse issues. Everyone in the room will understand exactly where you are coming from. Nothing you can say will shock anyone there; some group members may have been through similar experiences when they were drinking or using drugs.

Will Anything I Say Be Discussed Outside Of The 12-Step Group?

No. Group members agree that anything discussed during a group meeting is confidential. Whether you are participating in the discussion as part of a 12 step long term rehab program or going to a meeting on your own, the word “anonymous” is in the name for a reason. You can share whatever is on your mind without having to worry about your thoughts or feelings being discussed elsewhere.

The Above It All drug and alcohol Treatment Center focuses on the 12-step approach to recovering from drug and alcohol addiction, as well as several other effective treatment options.

Get The Straight Dope On Drug Addiction: Answers To Frequently Asked Questions

Drug addiction has come to the foreground of public attention recently. Celebrities are more comfortable revealing their struggles with substance abuse, and the recent death of actor Cory Monteith from a combination of heroin and alcohol has underlined the importance of understanding that this issue is not something to be taken lightly. To shed some light on substance abuse, here are answers to some frequently asked questions.

Can Someone Get Addicted to Drugs Even if they Only Use Occasionally?

Addiction is not a one-time event. It’s a process that takes time to develop. No one starts using drugs intending to become an addict. Everyone thinks they will be the exception to the rule and somehow be smarter or luckier than the people who end up addicted to a drug. It doesn’t work that way.

Are Some People More Likely to Become Addicted to Drugs than Others?

There are certain risk factors that make it more likely that someone will become addicted to drugs. They do not guarantee that a person will become an addict, though.

  1. Family history of drug use
  2. Age of first-time use
  3. History of abuse, neglect or trauma in childhood
  4. Type of drug used

Why Do Addicts Continue to Use Drugs?

Many people who become addicted to drugs think that they can stop using any time they want, at least at first. Some people try to stop using on their own, but in most cases are not successful at achieving long-term sobriety. Over time, the drug use causes changes in a person’s brain that causes the person to have a lack of control over his or her impulse to use, despite the consequences. This is one of the telltale signs of addiction.

Can Someone Only Become Addicted to Street Drugs?

Prescription drug addiction is a growing problem. Even though a medication has been prescribed by a doctor, it doesn’t mean that the person taking it is protected from developing an addiction. If someone is taking more than the prescribed amount or taking the medication longer than would normally be expected, these are signs that the person may have developed a substance abuse issue.

Find a Drug Addiction Treatment Center

Are you concerned about yourself or a loved one’s drug use? Caring, effective treatment for addiction is available at our Lake Arrowhead rehab and detox center. We offer a holistic approach to treatment that addresses the needs of the whole person (mind, body, and spirit). Call us at 888-997-3006 to start the journey to healing today.

Prescription Drug Addiction: A Growing Problem That Must Be Taken Seriously

Many people see their doctor and get a prescription for a medication, which they take as directed. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, however, approximately 20 percent of people in the U.S. have used a prescription drug for a non-medical purpose. This type of behavior can open the door to drug abuse and addiction. The fact that the medication was originally prescribed by a doctor does not make it any less serious than if the person was using street drugs.

Prescription Drug Abuse Overview

The following prescription drug abuse facts were provided by the National Institute on Drug Abuse:

  • Prescription and over-the-counter drugs are the third most commonly abused substances by Americans over the age of 14. (Marijuana and alcohol are the two most commonly abused substances.)
  • Opioid painkillers, such as Oxycontin and Vicodin, are the most commonly abused prescription drugs, followed by stimulants for treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Ritalin and Adderall).
  • Sharing unused medications, such as pain relievers, with family members can contribute to drug abuse.
  • Drug abusers will crush the tablets so that they can snort the powder or inject it using a needle. This delivers the dosage into the bloodstream more quickly and provides a faster, more intense “high.”

Signs of Prescription Drug Addiction

Indications that someone may “need” a prescription drug to function include:

  • Increased dosage over time
  • Ongoing use, even after the condition being treated has healed or resolved
  • Spending a lot of time seeking medication, or visiting multiple doctors to get prescriptions
  • Change in personal appearance
  • Withdrawal from family and friends
  • Being defensive about drug use

Be alert for changes in a loved one’s behavior after he or she starts using a prescription medication. Someone who develops a pattern of complaining of chronic pain after an injury should have healed or who starts “losing” prescriptions and needs to see the doctor to get a replacement written may be dealing with a different issue entirely.

Get Help for Prescription Drug Abuse

When a problem with prescription drug addiction has been identified, it should be dealt with promptly. These medications have the potential to cause serious harm to the addict’s health or even death if he or she does not get appropriate treatment.

The staff at Above It All Treatment Center have the expertise to provide supportive help to clients who are dealing with a prescription drug issue. They will devise an individual treatment plan designed to address each person’s needs, including a pain management plan, if appropriate.

Why Do Teens Drink?

Let’s face facts; the majority of us probably dabbled with alcohol sometime during our adolescence. Though there are many who wait until the proper age to begin consumption, a great many teens make the decision to experiment with alcohol at least once prior to reaching the legal age. The reasons behind teenage drinking are many, and will differ from person to person.


Coming to grips with the reasons behind teen drinking can help you better communicate concerns with your own child. Many parents are able to relate to their teens once a more in-depth understanding has been obtained. A teen who feels that you do not understand the reasons behind their decisions will be less likely to respect your opinion. As such, it’s important for parents to research the topic thoroughly in an effort to bridge potential communication gaps.


It is never too early to begin discussing alcohol use with your child. Many teens will often gain access to alcohol at an early age, requiring parents to act “prematurely” to help avoid any issues down the road. Parents who are able to discuss this topic with their children prior to their first drink stand a better chance at making a lasting and meaningful impression.


Perhaps the biggest reason behind teenage drinking is peer pressure. Many teens may feel compelled to experiment with alcohol early on to fit in with friends or older peers. Other teens choose to drink due to the rush gained from breaking the law. Because alcohol is so socially accepted, many teens won’t even think twice about the possible consequences. Still, other teens may utilize alcohol as an escape from the pressures of school and family obligations.


The negative effects associated with underage drinking are bountiful. To begin, underage drinkers place themselves at risk for potential legal issues, should they get caught. In addition, many teens are also known to indulge in excess, as most are unaware of their limitations or when to call it a night. Alcohol poisoning is common among novice teen drinking who just don’t know when to quit. Drunk driving is yet another potential risk with teens who have vehicle access. Others may eventually gain a tolerance, become dependant, and require alcohol to avoid withdrawal symptoms.


When it comes to prevention techniques, communication is key. In most cases, one discussion is simply not enough to keep your teen from temptation. Make sure to engage in a regular dialog with your child to make certain they understand the risks and consequences associated with underage drinking. Take an interest in their life, and let them know you’re available to talk if they are having difficulty saying “no”.

Need Help?

If you suspect that your teen is suffering from an alcohol problem, our LA drug rehab counselors are available to help! Give us a call today, and find out what we can do to help your teen back on track towards the happy, healthy, and productive life they deserve.

Alcohol Addiction Help and a Spiritual Experience

“If a mere code of morals or a better philosophy of life were sufficient to overcome alcoholism, many of us would have recovered long ago. But we found that such codes and philosophies did not save us, no matter how much we tried. We could will these things with all our might, but the needed power wasn’t there. Our human resources, as man should by the will, were not sufficient, they failed utterly.” We Agnostics pg 44-45 from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous

As alcoholics, it’s not that we lack morals. We are simply doing what we need to do to get our “medicine” so we can get “well”. If alcoholism could be cured by better morals or better philosophy then we would all straighten our act up and try this new approach. We would all hold ourselves to a higher moral standard that a lot of us in recovery do. But it’s not enough; we must experience an entire physic change through alcohol addiction help. We must turn our lives around and have a spiritual experience as a result of the work we do. This work can be done in many environments from AA to 30 day rehabs. If you are unsure what type of environment would work best for you, a good place to start is by looking up FAQs about rehab and recovery Los Angeles to get a better idea of what each place has to offer and find out what’s the best fit for you or your loved one(s).

Finding Affordable Rehab and Getting Sober

When one first starts to think about getting sober it can often be a scary and confusing time. Many questions might come up such as where can I go for help? Where should I go for help? What would be the best or most affordable rehab? What is the process? And am I going to be able to stay sober?

A couple of good suggestions for finding the answers you are looking for are to search for drug rehab blogs or FAQs about rehab and recovery in Los Angeles.

The last thing someone wants or needs when getting sober is to feel alone or uninformed. Obtaining as much information through research as possible is not only a great way to provide support, find support, and find a place/way to recover that works for you but also a great way to get informed and potentially inform your loved ones of the recovery process .There are many ways to find the answers you or your loved ones are searching for. Familial support, and support from peers plays such an important role in the quality of sobriety and the life that results from it.

While the recovery process is a very personalized and an individualized thing it doesn’t need to be done alone .nor should it be.

The disease of alcoholism doesn’t just affect one person but several people from loved ones to co workers. Therefore the gifts of recovery should not just be bestowed upon the recovering alcoholic/addict but the people that play a big role in their lives as well. May you and your family find the quality of sobriety, life, and relationships you are looking for as you start this amazing journey!