Finding The Best Addiction Treatment California Has To Offer

Locating a quality drug rehab in California can be accomplished in a number of ways. Whether you decide to seek the advice of a physician or visit a directory support group, the options available are vast in number. In this entry, we will offer up a few tips to help you determine the best facility to best suit your individual needs.

Step 1 – Educate yourself in regard to addiction and recovery. Though many people associate addiction with alcohol and drug dependency, the subject matter stretches across a wide array of topics, including depression, sex addiction, self-mutilation and eating disorders. Some patients are required to attend 90 or 30 day drug rehab programs via family physician or court order, while others are persuaded to seek help through the process of intervention. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding treatment, the basics of recovery are largely the same.

Step 2 – Learn about in-patient treatment programs. Within an in-patient program, patients are required to live at a specified facility under the supervision of a team of physicians, counselors and specialists until the patient is deemed fit to re-enter society. Individual programs will differ, though the majority offer both group and individual therapy, detox programs alongside after-care and sober living resources.

Step 3 – Determine which treatment facility best suits the needs of the individual in question. Some facilities cater specifically to alcoholics, whereas others employ holistic treatments to treat eating disorders in women. Programs run from specific to general depending on the type of care you are hoping to locate. Choosing a program that is able to properly address the addict’s individual needs and goals is vital in ensuring the best possible outcome during and post treatment.

Step 4 – Locate and visit a local support group. There you can communicate with recovering addicts to obtain a better perspective on your available options. Do your best to speak with individuals who possess a minimum of 3 years of sobriety and inquire as to whether they were satisfied with the care provided to them. If you like what you hear, obtain contact information for the facility and call them up to schedule a tour. This will afford you the opportunity to ask questions pertaining to sober living programs, in-patient living arrangements, facility procedures and anything else you feel is pertinent to our decision-making.

Step 5 – If you require treatment for yourself or a dependent; call up your insurance provider to obtain a list of California alcohol rehab facilities. Be sure to provide your representative with information pertaining to the type of rehab facility you are interested in, as well as a brief statement regarding the situation at hand. This will help ease the financial burden associated with treatment, while narrowing your options into a pool to choose from.

The Alcoholics Prayer

For normal folks drinking means companionship and colorful imagination. It means release from care boredom and worry. It is joyous and intimacy with friends and a feeling that life is good, but not so feeling that life is good but not so with us in those last says of heavy drinking – pg 151 “A Vision for You” from the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous

When we first start drinking most of us find what we’ve been searching for for years. A sense of ease and comfort. We feel smarter, stronger, carefree, and find the relief most of us have been craving our whole lives. We become masters of fun and partying. Over time whether it be months or years that feeling usually fades. We are no longer able to escape and the consequences begin. Some of us lose our family, jobs, and houses while others get DUI’s, lose friends or have a string of nights that went just a little too far. Whatever bottom it is that we hit there is no such thing as a bottom that is too high or too low. We hit our bottom when we stop digging. It can always get worse. We find ourselves going to any lengths to defend our right to drink and use to the death until we can’t lie to ourselves and others anymore or until we stop pretending it’s still working for us .When we realize we no longer have it in us to continue living like this we say what is known in A.A. as the alcoholic prayer –PLEASE HELP ME!

If you are tired, rundown, or if this thing has you licked and you don’t know how to stop drinking here are a few options you can check out…30 day rehab programs, California rehab centers, AA, and rehab programs in California.

Whatever route you decide to take may you find recovery and life you seek and may you be surrounded by love and success on this new path