Scared To Stop

Steve was known by first name at all the liquor stores he finally makes the decision to get help because his family would not stay in his life. He was embarrassed, he was like an epileptic he was scared to stop.

Matt Talking About The Options

Video of Matt talking about the options of ending his life in the throw’s of drug and alcohol addiction but chooses another path, the path of recovery. He is now a counselor at Above it All Treatment.

Someone Who Has Walked This Path Before You

Video – Your best thinking is what got you in trouble – you have to take some sort of direction from someone who has walked this path before you – Above it All Treatment Center

Amazing Program

“This is an amazing program and it helped save my life! Love you all and I’ll stay in touch and stay clean!”


Good Program

“This is a very good program. That have people and staff that have a lot of love.”


Changed My Life

“Prior to coming to treatment I hoped Mario to be my counselor, and that was met. Love the guy. I also wanna thank all the nurses and staff, especially my house manager, Jerry, he’s a cool dude. Thanks AIA, definitely changed my life. Thanks again.”


Great Experience With This Program

“I had a great experience with this program everyone was extremely helpful. I love you guys because I feel all the love from everyone and that means a lot.”
