Changing the Language of Addiction and Recovery

The language used when discussing substance use and addiction matters. Certain words can give a positive, negative, or neutral impressions. Labeling individuals as “addicts” or “junkies” enhances the stigma around substance use disorders and can deter people from seeking the treatment they need for recovery. Medical providers, community leaders, family, and friends all need to think twice about what terminology is used to discuss substance use disorders and the image that it presents.

Addiction is a disease, but one that is manageable. You wouldn’t talk down about someone with heart disease or diabetes and shame people away from getting help, so why should these issues occur with addiction? Instead, we should be using language that promotes understanding and supports recovery. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, in 2014 there were approximately 22.5 million individuals in need of treatment for substance use disorders, but only 2.6 million received the care they need. It’s time to break down the barriers that language creates.

Here are a few ways you can change the way you talk about addiction and recovery:

  • Use “substance use disorder” as opposed to “abuse” or “dependence.” You can also use “misuse” instead of “abuse”.
  • Use person-first language: a person with a substance use disorder or struggling with addiction, not an addict, junkie, druggie, etc.
  • Refrain from using “dirty” or “clean” when talking about drug use; instead say someone is in active addiction or is substance-free or in recovery.

In general, stop to think about what you are saying and how it may be perceived. It will take time to create change when it comes to weeding out stigmatizing language, but every voice counts. Start by changing how you talk about substance use disorders and recovery and then encourage others to do the same.

If someone you love is struggling with addiction, turn to Above It All to help them get the treatment they need for recovery. There is hope and recovery is possible.

[cta] Don’t let social stigmas keep you from getting the help you need. Turn to Above It All for comprehensive addiction treatment. [/cta]

Interest in Naloxone and Opiate Addiction Treatment Growing

Over the past few years, the term “opiate addiction” is one that has taken center stage. It has garnered increased attention from medical professionals, addiction treatment providers, researchers, lawmakers, and the general public due to the fact that addiction and overdose rates have skyrocketed. More than 27,000 people die each year from opiate overdoses.

This is a cause for alarm. Lawmakers and medical professionals are stepping up, calling for improved education about licit and illicit opioids and the risks they can pose. More training is being demanded for doctors in addiction risk, diagnosis, and treatment. The public is also striving to learn more and be proactive when it comes to opiate addiction.

Week-over-week, Google searches for “addiction treatment” have increased by 22 percent. This should not come as a surprise due to the fact that opiate addiction has reached epidemic levels. According to the American Society of Addictive Medicine, in 2014 “1.9 million Americans had a substance use disorder involving prescription pain relievers and 586,000 had a substance use disorder involving heroin.” These drugs led to nearly 30,000 overdose deaths in 2014.

Fighting Back Against Opiate Addiction

Americans are taking a vested interest in addressing the problem. Opiate addiction is treatable. It is possible to live a meaningful and fulfilling life in recovery. Above It All Treatment Center provides clients with the comprehensive care and services necessary for recovery. From safe, supervised detox and evidence-based therapies through holistic treatment and ongoing support, clients can turn their lives around. Therapy and counseling helps individuals to identify underlying problems and risk factors for opiate addiction and effectively address these issues.

Medical professionals are also becoming more cautious about prescribing powerful pain relievers such as morphine and oxycodone. Prescription drugs do not have to be a first-line defense; treatments such as acupuncture, physical therapy, massage, meditation, hot/cold therapy, and over-the-counter medications are being incorporated into treatment more often. Many people find these approaches to be beneficial in relieving pain while reducing risk of addiction to opiates.

Some of these same techniques are also integrated into addiction treatment programs. These complementary therapies may support clients in achieving better physical, mental, and emotional health as they progress in recovery. These methods may help ward off relapse and promote more positive mental health as well.

Naloxone: Saving Lives

With the rise of the opiate epidemic, there has also been more talk about naloxone, a potentially life-saving drug to reverse the effects of opiate overdoses. Google searches for naloxone have recently increased by 160 percent. As stories emerge about the impact of this drug and how it can save lives, they want to know more about it. Being revived by naloxone can be a wake-up call to the need to seek professional treatment for opiate addiction at a facility like Above It All.

Naloxone works by replacing opioids in the brain’s opioid receptors. This can help to reverse an overdose within minutes depending on the amount of opiates taken. While it used to be that only doctors and medical personnel could administer naloxone, it is now more widely available to the public as well. Common brands include Narcan and Evzio. Nasal sprays and auto injectors make it easier for individuals such as family, friends, or first responders to administer this recue drug. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 27,000 overdoses have been reversed since 1996.

In some states individuals can purchase naloxone from a local pharmacy without a prescription. In other areas a prescription can be provided to individuals who are on prescription pain relievers, or have experienced an opiate overdose in the past. Family members can often get it as well in case of an emergency. Understanding how and when to administer naloxone can save a person’s life and allow them to seek emergency medical treatment in the event of an overdose.

Treating Opiate Addiction

The increased focus on the opiate epidemic and naloxone shed light on the need for improved access to addiction treatment and reduced stigmas regarding addiction.  Substance use disorders are commonly regarded as a disease and part of mental health disorders due to how they interact with the brain and its function. Talking about addiction and the effectiveness of current treatment programs can help individuals to overcome these challenges and reduce their risk of overdose and relapse.

Above It All works with clients to develop an individualized treatment plan aligned with their unique needs. Everyone is affected by addiction differently and responds to various treatment approaches in their own way. Above It All provides comprehensive care that addresses physical, mental, emotional, and social effects of addiction and recovery.

If you or a loved one is taking prescription opioids, it is essential to understand the risk for and warning signs of addiction. Don’t be afraid to speak up and ask questions. If you are concerned about a loved one, take action. Let them know that you are concerned and encourage them to seek treatment. Support their recovery efforts and do your part to create a safe environment and strengthen communication.

You can also stand up for legislation that supports addiction treatment, prevention measures such as prescription databases, and increased awareness to break down stigmas and reduce misconceptions. Get involved and educate yourself and others; every voice and every vote counts.

Historically, only a small percentage of those in need of addiction treatment actually obtain it. With an increase in addiction-related searches, perhaps more people are taking notice and recognizing the seriousness of the opiate epidemic. It is essential that people realize that there is help available for opiate addiction. At Above It All, clients are supported through detox and engage in treatment that fits their needs. Overdoses are often unintentional, but treatment can help reduce risk and empower clients to live a healthier, more fulfilling life in recovery.

If you are concerned about your own well-being or that of a loved one and want to learn more about how treatment at Above It All can help, contact us today. Learn more about how you can build a brighter future in recovery.

[cta] Take action against opioid addiction and get yourself or a loved one effective addiction treatment at Above It All. [/cta]

Celebrating Halloween in Sobriety

Halloween can be an exciting time for kids and adults alike. It’s a time to dress up, have fun, and spend time laughing with friends. Halloween celebrations don’t have to compromise your recovery, and just because you’re in recovery doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. By spending a little time planning ahead, you can make sure you’re ready when Halloween rolls around.

  • Stick with substance-free activities: Keep yourself distracted and active by taking your kids trick-or-treating or going to a family-friendly event. You can enjoy time with your family and take comfort in knowing that drugs and alcohol won’t be part of the scene.
  • Accept party invites carefully: You don’t need to go to every party just because you’re invited. If you know drugs and alcohol will be present and there will be pressure or temptation to join in, politely decline. If you do go to a party, take care of getting your own drink – and keeping an eye on it – so you know no alcohol will be involved. Also, always have a plan for how you will leave so you’re not stuck in an uncomfortable or tempting situation.
  • Choose an alternate celebration: Who says you have to go to a party? Invite friends to go on a ghost tour or haunted hayride or to Halloween at the local amusement park. You could also stay in with popcorn and a stash of candy watching scary movies with friends.

There are plenty of ways that you can celebrate without putting your recovery in jeopardy. Prove to yourself that you can have fun without drugs or alcohol. If you need additional support or encouragement, attend a meeting beforehand to reaffirm your commitment to your recovery and talk through your concerns. Above It All supports clients with ongoing recovery through life skills and planning programs, sober living, and relapse prevention planning. If relapse does occur, Above It All is here to help you get back on track.

[cta] Join in the conversation on Facebook and let us know how you plan to celebrate Halloween in recovery this year! [/cta]

Starting the Conversation: Talking About Substance Use Prevention with Kids

As a parent, you play an important role in your child’s development. Whether you realize it or not, your kids are always watching and listening. They base a lot of their decisions on what they see, hear, and are taught by you. Making substance use prevention a regular part of conversation and modeling healthy behaviors is essential. It’s almost Red Ribbon Week, so get the discussion started.

Keep the Conversation Going

Talking about drugs and alcohol should not be a once-a-done conversation; it should be an ongoing discussion. Learning takes repetition. Use teachable moments to bring up substance use and let your children’s questions and answers guide the way. When you’re watching television or a movie, talk about the character’s choices and their consequences. Do they try to make drinking or smoking look cool? What makes it unhealthy and dangerous? The same goes for stories you hear on the news or things you see out in the community. Talk about them.

Set Expectations and Consequences

Let your children know that drug use and underage drinking are not acceptable. Establish clear consequences and be proactive in helping your children stay involved in activities that build their self-esteem and promote healthy decision making. Talk about how drugs and alcohol can lead to risky decisions and legal problems. How it can get them kicked off of sports teams or out of clubs, and they could lose their license. They’ll also face consequences at home.

Be a Positive Role Model

Pay attention to your own behaviors and conversations regarding drugs and alcohol. Show your children that you use these substances responsibly or not at all. Talk about the risks of addiction and how recovery is possible through addiction treatment. Break down stigmas about addiction and clear up any misconceptions your children may have.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, seek treatment. Above It All can help you make your well-being a priority and show your children that change is possible and there are healthier ways of dealing with challenging situations than drugs or alcohol. Start the conversation today.

[cta] Make recovery a part of your discussion by seeking treatment for substance use disorders at Above It All. [/cta]

What Should You Look for in a Rehab Facility?

Making a resolution to seek addiction treatment for yourself or a loved one is a major decision. Another significant choice is deciding where this treatment will occur. There are thousands of addiction treatment programs and centers available, so how do you know which one is right for you?

Remember that no two people are exactly the same. What worked for a relative, colleague, or friend, may not be the best choice for you. Their situation may have been completely different. Do your research and ask questions to find a program that fits your needs and goals while providing high quality care. Here are a few things to consider:

  • It is a licensed or accredited facility? What type of training or licensure does the staff have?
  • What kind of results should you expect? What are the program’s goals?
  • What approaches to treatment are used?
  • What does aftercare or relapse prevention planning look like?
  • What types of treatment are available? Are mental health or co-occurring disorders treated?
  • Is treatment tailored to your individual needs?

Every facility will be slightly different, so don’t be afraid to ask questions and make sure that you are comfortable with the answers provided. You want to be confident in the care you are receiving. Above It All provides a full continuum of care from initial intervention services and detox through connecting clients with sober living options for continued progress in recovery. Clients are supported along each step of the way and engage in evidence-based and holistic therapies that promote physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual healing.

In addition, treatment plans at Above It All are tailored to meet each client’s individual needs. Clients receive treatment and support that align with where they are in recovery and their individual goals. Make sure when choosing a rehab facility that it focuses on your unique needs as there is no blanket solution to addiction recovery.

[cta] Curious about whether Above It All is the right fit for you? Contact us today to learn more and we’ll address any questions you may have. [/cta]

How You Can Promote Better Mental Health

Your mental health can affect numerous aspects of your life from how you feel emotionally and physically to your actions and behaviors. Taking care of yourself and taking steps to improve your mental health can have a very positive impact on your life. Each year, October 10 is celebrated as World Mental Health Day. A time for everyone to reflect, promote awareness, and take action. It is not too late to make a change in your life or get treatment for mental health disorders. There is hope and help available.

There are many ways that you can be proactive in your own mental health and supporting others. For instance, taking the time to recognize when someone is going through a difficult time and showing them you care. You don’t have to solve their problems for them, but providing a listening ear, positive distraction, empathy, or words of encouragement can help. Your small act of kindness and compassion can make a difference in their life and help them to keep moving forward or realize that they need professional mental health care.

Ways You Can Enhance Your Own Mental Health

There are plenty of ways that you can boost your own mental health and well-being to help manage or prevent mental health problems.

Manage Stress: Stress can play a major role in mental health. When life becomes overwhelming, it can take a toll. Learn different strategies for stress relief and figure out what works best for you. Be conscientious about taking on too much responsibility and too many tasks – learn to say no and how to delegate. You don’t have to do everything yourself; it’s okay to ask for help.

Try different things for stress relief such as a relaxing bath, reading a favorite book while sipping tea, practicing meditation or deep breathing, going for a walk, listening to music, journaling, painting, or talking with friends. The options are endless. Make time to do things you enjoy to keep your stress in check and boost your mood.

Stay Active: Exercise releases endorphins which are a natural mood booster. Physical activity is also a great way to burn off excess energy and release tension. If you’re someone who gets bored always doing the same thing, switch it up. Some days you could go to the gym or take a Zumba class. Other days you might want to go for a bike ride, go hiking or running, go swimming, or shoot some hoops. Staying active doesn’t have to mean putting in hours at the gym – there are plenty of other things you can do to mix it up.

Surround Yourself with Positive People: The company you keep can have a big impact on your mental health. If you surround yourself with people who are negative, always complaining, and never seem happy, it can wear off on you. While everyone has a bad day, make sure you’re spending time with people who have a relatively positive outlook and make you feel good. People who motivate, encourage, and inspire you. Look for opportunities where you can meet new people and make new friends who share similar interests.

Avoid Drugs and Alcohol: If your go-to solution to a bad day is having a drink or using drugs, this can quickly become problematic. Drugs and alcohol only provide a temporary solution and often make the situation worse. They can end up exacerbating the symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders. Focus on healthier ways of working through your problems and cheering yourself up. If you are struggling with a substance use disorder, Above It All offers comprehensive treatment and addresses mental health concerns as well. Get the help you need to turn your life around for the better. Long-term recovery is possible.

Engage in Meaningful Work: This could be through your job, or through an activity such as volunteering. Commit a portion of your time to something that makes you happy and makes a difference. This can have a very positive effect on your attitude, outlook, and mental health. If you’re not happy in your job, work on finding a new one. If you’re not happy with where your life is headed, look for opportunities for change.

Look for the Positives: There are positives in every single day if you’re willing to look and change your perspective. Keep a gratitude journal and make it a point to write down two or three things each day that you are grateful for. They don’t have to be huge or life-changing– though some might be – but simply things that you are thankful for. On days when you’re feeling down, you’ll have something to look back on as a pick-me-up and to remind you that there is good in each day.

Seek Therapy or Counseling: There is no shame in seeking help for mental health issues. It is a sign of strength, not of weakness. Be proud of yourself for making your well-being a priority and getting the professional help you need for recovery. If you know someone else who has been facing rough times, encourage them to seek therapy or counseling and let them know that you’re there to support them.

Educate your Children: Mental health should not be a taboo subject – it is something that should be talked about. Help your kids to practice healthy routines and enhance their mental health. If they’re showing signs of depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, addiction, or other problems, talk about it. Don’t keep quiet and hope that it will go away or fix itself. Build strong and open communication with your kids and let them know that it’s okay to ask for help.

Above It All incorporates strategies and activities to promote positive mental health for all clients. There is also a specialized program for clients with a dual diagnosis – substance use disorder and mental health disorder – to ensure that their mental health needs are addressed and managed along with their substance use. If you or someone you love is battling addiction or a dual diagnosis, turn to Above It All for comprehensive care.

[cta] Don’t ignore signs of mental health or substance use disorders. Speak up and contact Above It All to learn more about how we can help. [/cta]

The Importance of Treating Co-Occurring Disorders Together

Drugs and alcohol can have a powerful mind-altering affect. Addiction is not just about physical dependence on a substance, but also the changes that occur in the brain. It is not uncommon for individuals struggling with a substance use disorder to also have a mental health disorder, which is recognized as having co-occurring disorders. Some people turn to drugs or alcohol as a way of coping with mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety. However, substance use can actually make symptoms worse.

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), “About a third of all people experiencing mental illness … also experience substance abuse.” And, “about a third of all alcohol abusers and more than half of all drug abusers report experiencing a mental illness.” It occurs more often than people may think.

Treating these two conditions simultaneously is essential for more effective recovery. Mental health plays an important role in relapse prevention and living a higher quality life. Through dual diagnosis treatment at Above It All, clients build an understanding of how substance use and mental health disorders are intertwined. They can see the impact that it has on their own life and develop targeted strategies to support recovery.

When one condition is treated but not the other, it can increase risk of relapse. A portion of the underlying issues regarding addiction or mental illness is being overlooked. A program that emphasizes positive mental health for all clients is beneficial, but especially those that can equip clients with tailored strategies for coping with the mental health issues they face.

Above It All provides comprehensive treatment that encompasses both substance use and mental health to create a plan for more sustainable recovery. Clients feel more prepared to return to their community and overcome challenges they may face while making healthy decisions. Get the personalized treatment you need to manage co-occurring disorders at Above It All and see what a positive difference it can make in your life.

[cta] Are you struggling with mental illness in addition to addiction? Contact Above It All today and find out how we can help. [/cta]

Choosing a Life in Recovery with Help from Above It All

No one grows up picturing themselves spending time in a drug and alcohol rehab facility. No one plans to become addicted, and yet it happens to so many people. You realize that your life has turned in a direction that you never expected and you wonder what you’re doing. You may see the hurt and fear in your family’s eyes; their concern for your well-being. And so you decide that it is time to reach out for help. Above It All is here with open arms to support you along every step of the way.

The team at Above It All understands the challenges you are facing and your fears about rehab. When you feel like you can’t go any further, we provide the support you need to overcome obstacles and keep moving forward. You can learn from others who have been in your shoes and walked that same path. People who have committed themselves to recovery and turned their lives around.

At Above It All, you’ll be equipped with the tools you need to succeed and establish a substance-free lifestyle. You’ll be able to develop effective coping strategies to handle the emotions that arise with sobriety and the feelings you tried for so long to numb or push away. And Above It All will be by your side through each stage of recovery.

You deserve another chance. You deserve to experience a new way of living. Drugs and alcohol do not have to control your life; take back control and overcome the feelings of hopelessness and despair. Above It All empowers you to make the changes that can save your life. All you have to do is call. Hear stories from real clients and staff at Above It All on our YouTube channel, and subscribe today to ensure you never miss a video of hope and inspiration.




I was on a bus going to work, dope sick and ready to commit suicide the day before.

Alcohol was always on the table, benzodiazepines, I really enjoyed crystal meth and cocaine.

During the end the typical day would be trying to get something down and going to the bathroom and just dry heave, eyes watering and looking in that mirror and saying “what the hell are you doing?… What the hell are you doing?”

When someone comes into the treatment center, they are completely broken. They are ashamed, they’ve hit the bottom.

I remember sitting there and researching rehabs online, and thinking “I can’t believe that I have to do this… I’m not that person, you know? I am so much better than this. How can this be happening to me?”

You can see everybody’s pain and tears and how you’re tearing everybody apart and it hurts… but you don’t know how to stop.

I called my mom and I could not stop crying. I could not. Every time I would hear her voice I could not stop freaking crying. At that point she said “Okay, we need you to get help.” The next day I was in Above It All.

You need to have someone to be there for you. It’s hand in hand. Someone to pick you up when you are about ready to fall and you don’t think you can go any further. And I’ll be there to give you that hand.

Your best thing is what got you in all that trouble. So you have to take some kind of direction from somebody that’s walked this path before you.

For an addict to live in the developmental stages of recovery, to live without substances… illicit substances is very difficult. It’s like a mountain climber climbing a frigid mountain without any tools. So essentially, I come in and I provide those tools.

The first little while, that’s very difficult. There’s all these emotions that start coming back, you start feeling things and you just want to numb those feelings. You know? That’s very hard in the initial 30, 60, 90 days is very hard because you get off the drugs and then your feelings start coming back and you are thinking about all the things you’ve done and all the people you’ve hurt and then it really hurts you, you know?

Kory is, he is, phenomenal. He goes so far and above and beyond what is required. He wants everyone to have the ultimate experience.

Within two days you start to see a difference. Within a week a huge difference and in just a matter of days or weeks it’s totally amazing. Totally amazing.

If you don’t want that feeling of hopelessness and despair, Above It All saved my life.

Make the call and you know, jump in with both feet.

You’re a beautiful person and you deserve to have a new life and have an experience.

All you have to do is make the call, you know? All you have to do is make the call and it’ll save your life.

[cta] Don’t miss out on more motivational and inspiring videos from Above It All! Subscribe today. [/cta]

Would You Recognize the Signs of Depression?

When many people think of depression, the first thing that comes to mind is being sad. However, depression is much more than that. Everyone feels sad from time to time, but those with depression experience other symptoms too. Depression affects how they think, feel, and act, and interferes with daily activities. October 6, 2016 is National Depression Screening Day and an important reminder to understand the signs of depression and how to get help. Depression is a very treatable condition.

Common Signs of Depression

Everyone experiences depression differently and may exhibit a range of symptoms to varying degrees. Just because someone has a symptom does not necessarily mean they are depressed, but it can be a warning sign to keep an eye on:

  • Persistent sadness
  • Feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, or worthlessness
  • Lack of energy/motivation
  • Changes in appetite
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities
  • Irritability

You may also notice that the person seems to find the negatives in any situation, has difficulty concentrating, or tries to be perfect to please everyone. Depression is not something that should be ignored as it can contribute to suicidal thoughts or actions and take a negative toll on a person’s quality of life.

Fortunately, depression is treatable. Above It All supports clients in improving and managing mental health to overcome symptoms of depression and turn their lives around. Depression may also co-exist with a substance use disorder, and dual diagnosis treatment ensures that both conditions are treated concurrently.

Recognizing the signs of depression is the first step in getting individuals the help they need. If you are worried that a loved one is depressed, encourage them to get screened and talk to a professional. Express your concern and let them know that they are not alone. One way to break down stigmas that surround depression is to talk about it and seek treatment. Above It All can help you or a loved one navigate the path to recovery and take back control of your well-being.

[cta] If you’re struggling with depression and alcohol or drug use, Above It All can provide the treatment you need for recovery. [/cta]

Is Your Drinking Becoming Problematic? Recognizing Signs of a Substance Use Disorder

Not everyone who drinks develops alcoholism or a substance use disorder. There are many people who can go out and have a drink with friends and be done with it. They don’t need to have alcohol to be social or to wind down after a long day. If they do drink, they only have one or two, then stop. However, sometimes people have a hard time knowing their limit and keep drinking more or more frequently. Before they know it, their drinking can become problematic and lead to more serious issues such as alcoholism.

Substance use disorders are not something to be taken lightly. They can take a major toll on your health and quality of life. In addition, they also impact those around you. Addiction does not exist in a silo. However, Above It All can help you to turn your life around and overcome addiction. You can get the support you need to quit drinking and stay on the road to long-term recovery. Your family can also get help and together you can rebuild your life and create stronger, healthier relationships and routines.

But the first step is recognizing when your drinking is becoming problematic and taking action.

Signs Your Drinking is Becoming Problematic

Drinking often and in greater quantities that can be a red flag.

  • You drink more than you used to or more often.

What started as one drink after work has turned into several drinks. You may justify it to yourself saying, “Just one more,” but one more turns into a few more. Or perhaps you only used to drink on weekends and now you’re drinking on weeknights too. Overall, the amount of alcohol that you’re consuming has gone up.

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) recommends no more than four drinks per day and no more than 14 drinks per week for men, and no more than three drinks per day and no more than seven drinks per week for women.

  • You need to drink more to feel the same effects.

In time, your body develops a tolerance to alcohol. In order to feel the same effects, you have to drink greater quantities. Some people mistakenly believe that having a higher tolerance is a good thing, but it actually puts them at greater risk because they may not be aware of exactly how much they’re really drinking. If you’re developing a tolerance, it could be a red flag that your drinking is becoming problematic and it’s time to seek help.

  • You’ve tried to cut back or stop drinking on your own but it hasn’t worked.

Have you tried to stop drinking but always ended up starting again? Not being able to quit despite your best efforts can be a sign of addiction. However, entering treatment for addiction can provide you with the strategies and support you need to stay sober.

  • Your drinking is negatively influencing your education, career, family, or more.

Have friends or family expressed their concerns about your drinking? Do they not enjoy being around you when you’re under the influence? Alcoholism can also take a toll on your job if you’re calling out sick a lot, showing up late, missing deadlines, or not performing as well as you used to. This may not seem like much at first, but it can build over time.

  • Drinking is your go-to when you’re stressed, bored, upset, celebrating, etc.

Do you always have a drink in hand or think about drinking? If you use alcohol as your main way to relax and unwind, feel more comfortable in social settings, or deal with challenges, this can be unhealthy. You can easily end up drinking more than you intended. It is essential to find other ways of coping and healthier ways to reduce stress.

  • You’re having trouble with your memory.

Forgetting someone’s name or what you went into a room for happens to everyone now and again. But excessive drinking can lead to more serious problems. If you have trouble remembering what you did the night before, are blacking out, or just feel as though your mind is always hazy, it’s time to get help for addiction.

  • You experience symptoms of withdrawal when you stop drinking.

After you stop drinking, you may feel dizzy, nauseous, or restless. Your muscles may tremble, you may get sweaty, and you may have trouble sleeping. These are just a few of the signs of withdrawal, and a major sign of problematic drinking. With proper treatment, you don’t have to always feel sick, tired, or hungover.

Overcoming Addiction

If your drinking has become problematic, there is help available. Above It All offers comprehensive treatment from inpatient to outpatient to recovery support and more, allowing you to enter into long-term recovery and build a brighter future. You can figure out what works best for you and implement new strategies and routines to live a healthier lifestyle. You don’t have to be controlled by addiction, and drinking doesn’t have to be a part of your life to have fun or relax.

If someone you love is exhibiting these signs, let them know that you’re concerned and you want to see them get better. Provide support and encouragement to help them get into the treatment program that’s right for them. Holding an intervention can be helpful if they are in denial or other attempts to talk to them about entering treatment have been unsuccessful.

There is life after addiction, and Above It All can help you to better see what your future holds. Learn to reduce temptation and cravings, create a healthier lifestyle, build a strong support system, and reduce your risk for relapse. Recovery is possible at Above It All, and we want to help you make the most of your future and live free from addiction.

[cta] Is your drinking taking a toll on your life? Contact Above It All today to learn more about how we can help you turn things around for the better. [/cta]