What Programs Do We Offer

Above It All Treatment Center provides a multidisciplinary approach to facilitate recovery from addiction and alcoholism. Comprehensive chemical dependency treatment services can offer a structured therapeutic environment that begins with the detoxification/withdrawal process and extends through aftercare planning following residential treatment.

Drug Treatment Program Methods

Therapeutic interventions include individual or group counseling and psychotherapy, and treatment services are usually provided by trained, certified professional therapists. Most therapeutic intervention programs rely on cognitive-based therapy which addresses irrational thinking and attempts to restructure thought processes.

Support groups are usually conducted by a member of a recovery group with the assistance of prepared materials by a national organization. The most well-known support groups are Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. Most support groups are modeled on the Twelve Steps of AA and rely on faith in a “higher power” to assist in achieving goals.

Drug and Alcohol Detoxification – Detox programs are treatment programs of planned withdrawal which may or may not include medication to assist in withdrawal. Length of detoxification depends on the substance ingested and the methods used for detoxification. Detoxification without other treatment has not been found to be effective in maintaining sobriety.

Treatment and Detoxification Protocols – OxyContin® is a powerful drug that contains a much larger amount of the active ingredient, oxycodone, than other prescription opiate pain relievers. While most people who take OxyContin as prescribed do not become addicted, those who abuse their pain medication or obtain it illegally may find themselves becoming rapidly dependent on, if not addicted to, the drug. Two types of treatment have been documented as effective for opioid addiction. One is a long-term, residential, therapeutic community type of treatment and the other is long-term, medication-assisted outpatient treatment. Clinical trials using medications to treat opioid addiction have generally included subjects addicted to diverted pharmaceutical opioids as well as to illicit heroin. Therefore, there is no medical reason to suppose that the patient addicted to diverted pharmaceutical opioids will be any less likely to benefit from medication-assisted treatment than the patient addicted to heroin. Some opioid-addicted patients with very good social supports may occasionally be able to benefit from antagonist maintenance with naltrexone. This treatment works best if the patient is highly motivated to participate in treatment and has been adequately detoxed from the opioid of abuse. Most opioid-addicted patients in outpatient therapy, however, will do best with medication that is either an agonist or a partial agonist. Methadone and levo alpha acetyl methadol (LAAM) are the two agonist medications currently approved for addiction treatment in this country. Presently there is no partial agonist approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in narcotic treatment, although buprenorphine holds great promise. The guidelines for treating OxyContin addiction or dependency are basically no different than the guidelines the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) uses for treating addiction or dependency to ANY opioid.

Getting Help When You Cannot Stop Drinking

“At a certain point in the drinking of every alcoholic, he passes into a state where the most powerful desire to stop drinking is of no avail. This tragic situation has already arrived in practically every case long before it is suspected. The fact is that most alcoholics, for some reason yet obscure, have lost the power of choice in drink. Our so-called will power becomes practically nonexistent. We are unable, at certain times, to bring into our consciousness with sufficient force the memory of the suffering and humiliation of even a week or a month ago. We are without defense against the first drink. The certain consequences that follow taking even a glass of beer do not crowd into the mind to deter us.” – Pg. 24 There Is A Solution, the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous

Many of us are completely beat down by this disease long before we realize we have a problem and need alcohol addiction help. At this point have lost our ability to control and enjoy our drinking and the days of social drinking and fun nights have become a distant memory. After years of drinking we are most likely at a place where we lost the choice to drink or not and are simply drinking because we have to. It has become our medicine and solution. Our only hope for a way out of this “tragic situation” is to go to a rehab that takes insurance, AA , or some other form of drug addiction detox. It is only after we get help and recover that we are able to do the work it takes to heal the wreckage we have caused in ours and others lives. If we are fortunate to get this far then we have a fighting chance at having an amazing life and reaping the benefits/blessings that a life in sobriety has to offer.

The Alcoholic Addict, Resentments, and Inventory

“We reviewed our own conduct over the years past. Where had we been selfish, dishonest, or inconsiderate? Whom had we hurt? Did we unjustifiably arouse jealousy, suspicion or bitterness? Where were we at fault, what should we have done instead? We got this all down on paper and looked at it. In this way we tried to shape a sane and sound ideal for our future sex life. We subjected each relation to this test-was it selfish or not? We asked God to mold our ideals and help us to live up to them. We remembered always that our sex powers were God-given and therefore good, neither to be used lightly or selfishly nor to be despised and loathed. Whatever our ideals turns out to be , we must be willing to grow toward it. We must be willing to make amends where we have done harm, provided that we do not bring about still more harm in doing so.” pg. 69 How It Works, from the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous

It is imperative as alcoholics that we review our conduct on a regular basis so that we can amend our behavior. It is easy for us especially prior to receiving alcohol addiction help to come from a place of selfishness, and self-seeking. This often times results in lack of consideration for others. When we act without consciousness it can be hurtful to others. Many of us have spent most of our drinking days running through people’s lives like tornados. When we go through a drug addiction detox, AA, a 30 day rehab program, and get sober we are given the tools needed not to do this anymore, we learn what it means to live on an altruistic plane, and we shape our ideals. When shaping our ideals it is not just limited to sex it can be applicable to several areas of our lives. We take a look at how we want to be in all our relationships and also look closely at the kind of relationships we want in our lives romantic or not. After we do this we turn it over to a power greater than ourselves and make an effort to get as close to those ideals as possible. When we fall short we make it right. As long as we try our best and keep our side of the street clean we will be able to experience the gifts and grace that this program and lifestyle has to offer.

Detox That Works In Surroundings That Comfort

At Above It All Treatment and Recovery Center, we have a dedicated detox facility situated on Lake Arrowhead in the San Bernardino Mountains that’s managed by a highly trained staff to make your experience as comfortable and as smooth as possible. Upon arrival, we will fully assess your physical and chemical state. Before we begin your treatment, we will evaluate any injuries you have and perform comprehensive tests to gain an in-depth look at the biochemical, nutritional, and neuro-biological aspects of your addiction.

Detox can be dangerous if not done properly. Many people who attempt detox, either by themselves or under the supervision of someone who is insufficiently trained, fail and relapse because of the painful and unpleasant symptoms they experience when undergoing detox. That’s why it’s critical to work with experienced professionals who will supervise the process from start to finish, and make you feel as comfortable as possible.

With a staff of licensed nurses providing 24-hour care, 7 days a week, you can rest easy knowing that your comfort, safety and ongoing needs are our number one priority. No one slips through the cracks or goes unnoticed here. We have the highest staff-to-client ratio of any drug treatment facility in the country, and we pride ourselves on taking excellent care of our clients. Privacy, confidentiality, and the highest level of care are what you can expect at Above It All Treatment and Recovery Center.

When you call Above It All Treatment and Recovery Center, we will discuss your specific needs for any drug or alcohol detox services. Then, upon admission, we will determine what your detox protocol will be.  If you are interested in learning more, please call for a FREE addiction assessment now:  888-634-4546

Talking With an Alcoholic About Getting Help

“Your candidate may give reasons why he need not follow all of the program. He may rebel at the thought of a drastic housecleaning which requires discussion with other people. Do not contradict such views. Tell him you once felt as he does, but you doubt whether you would have made much progress had you not taken action. On your first visit tell him about the fellowship of alcoholic’s anonymous .If he shows interest; lend him your copy of this book. Unless your friend wants to talk further about himself, do not wear out your welcome. Give him a chance to think it over. If you do stay, let him steer the conversation in any direction he like.” pg. 94- 95 Working with Others from the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous

It is important that we do not try to corner someone into recovery. It’s a program based on attraction rather than promotion and there is a reason for that. If we were to try and convince people that they need to get alcohol addiction help then they would not have gotten sober on their own accord but rather because they were preached to and told they need help. That is not what sobriety is about. When someone decides to go to a drug addiction detox, sober living, 30 day rehab program, or AA it is important that they come to the conclusion that they are powerless on their own so that they can own their recovery, struggles, and triumphs that come along with it. We can share our experience, strength, and hope by telling them what happened, what it used to be like, and what it’s like now. We can make ourselves available to anyone who’s suffering from this disease but that where our responsibilities stop as far as informing someone about this disease goes.

Sobriety and Working With Others

“Practical experience shows that nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking as much as intensive work with other alcoholics. It works when other activities fail. This is our twelfth suggestion: carry this message to other alcoholics! You can help when no one else can. You can secure their confidence when others fail. Remember they are very ill…perhaps you are not acquainted with any drinkers who want to recover. You can easily find some by asking a few doctors, ministers, priests or hospitals, they will be only too glad to assist you .Don’t start out as an evangelist or reformer. Unfortunately a lot of prejudice exists. You will be handicapped if you arouse it. Ministers and doctors are competent and you can learn much from them, if you wish, but it happens that because of your own drinking experience you can be uniquely useful to other alcoholics. So cooperate, never criticize. To be helpful is our only aim.”-pg. 89 Working With Others from the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous.

As alcoholics we have the amazing opportunity to be of service to other alcoholics that are seeking out alcohol addiction help. Since we have been through the same struggles and came out the other side we are more able then most people to be of maximum service. It is important that we don’t preach but rather lead by example. Weather we are being of service at a drug addiction detox, meeting, 30 day rehab program, hospitals, institutions, or one on one our best bet when it comes to reaching a fellow alcoholic is by listening and sharing your experience, strength and hope. This way of life is based on attraction rather than promotion. We need not sell sobriety to others. If someone wants to get sober nothing we say can stop them from trying or make them want it more. Our only responsibility is to be there when someone reaches out for help and needs us to show them the way.

The Importance of Safe Detox

“Despite the general effectiveness of the AA program, we often need the help of friendly agencies outside of AA. Nowhere is this more strikingly true than in the field of hospitalization. Most of us feel that ready access to hospitals and other places of rest and recuperation borders on absolute necessity. While many an alcoholic has somehow gotten over his bender without medical aid, and while a few of us old the view that the hard “cold turkey “ method is the best, the vast majority of AAs believe the newcomer whose case is at all serious has a much better chance of making the grade if well hospitalized at the outset. Indeed, we see many cases where recoveries without medical help would seem virtually impossible, mentally so beclouded have they become, even when temporarily sober. The primary purpose of hospitalization is not to save our prospect the pain of getting sober; its real purpose is to place him in the state of greatest possible receptivity to our AA program. Medical treatment clears his brain, takes away his jitters, and if it is done at a hospital he is kept there under control so that everybody knows just where and when he can be visited. Moreover the atmosphere of most hospitals is extremely conducive to a good first presentation of AA.” –pg.51 from The Language of the Heart

Back when this was written in 1947 they didn’t really have 30 day rehab programs, sober livings, or drug addiction detoxes available like they do now. If you were in need of that kind of alcohol addiction help then you usually wound up in the hospital being detoxed. It was a time when bringing booze to a 12 step call was not unheard of, and the options were limited. Perhaps it was due to lack of information about this disease. Looking back through articles such as this one written in the language of the heart it is easy to see not only how much we have grown, how far we have come, or how much more information is available to us these days but mainly its clear as day that we are truly blessed and have so many more options available to us. Today we don’t have just AA, church, or hospitalization to choose from. There are many other programs out there and we all have a fighting chance to stay sober and live a happy and healthy life.

The Purpose of the AA Group

“Our first duty, as a society, is to insure our own survival. Therefore we have to avoid distractions and multipurpose activity. An AA group, as such, cannot take on all the personal problems of its members, let alone the problems of the whole world. Sobriety-freedom from alcohol-through the teaching and practice of the twelve steps is the sole purpose of an AA group. Groups have repeatedly tried other activities and they have always failed. It has also been learned that there is no possible way to make nonalcoholic into AA members. We have to confine our AA groups to a single purpose. If we don’t stick to these principles, we shall almost surely collapse. And if we collapse we cannot help anyone.”-pg. 223 from The Language Of The Heart

As we talked about before no one can decide weather or not you are an alcoholic. Either you are or aren’t and that choice is up to you. When seeking out alcohol addiction help there are many places we can turn. There are 30 day rehab programs, AA, as well as several other drug addiction detox programs. With that being said it is important that if we decide to go to AA that not only do we have a problem with drinking but also that we identify as alcoholics. It goes back to our first tradition, which states “our common welfare should come first. Personal recovery depends upon AA unity.” It is important that we stick to our singleness of purpose so that we can ensure the groups survival.

Have You Hit Rock Bottom?

“Hitting rock bottom” is a common phrase used in addiction recovery. As Above It All patients, many of us have flirted with, or witnessed the final straw that ultimately kick-starts our turn-around.

What many addicts don’t grasp is exactly what event will serve in changing the self-destructive tides, and whether this event will occur before it’s too late.

Rock Bottom – Defined

Those who have hit rock bottom are experiencing their lowest point in the addiction behavior cycle. Emotional, physical, financial, mental, and social skeletons act only as a reminder of what once was.

Addicts live an abnormally structure lifestyle. This “structure” revolves around getting the next fix. The loss of support – whether financial, physical, mental, social – often leads to an overwhelming wave of emotion, which the addict is unable to handle.

–          Where will I sleep?

–          How will I get money?

–          What can I sell for drugs?

–          How can I lie my way out of this?

Questions like these often go unanswered with addicts involved in a crisis state. Some may start engaging in criminal activities, be prone to emotional break downs, or experience psychotic outbursts.

At this point, the addict’s behaviors have likely severely damage the family dynamic. But because addiction is a family disease, the roles of the family members may continue to bolster the alcoholic or addict.

Friends and family members may find themselves feeling that the individual in question does not have a “rock bottom”, and that the addiction will continue down the same path inevitably. Others hold the belief that death is the real “rock bottom”. Neither theory is correct.

Raising Rock Bottom

The act of “raising rock bottom” refers to the process by where family and friends are able to push the addict towards the help they require.

How does it work?

Friends and family members can remove all financial aid, shelter, or any other types of support that enable the individual to continue their destructive behaviors. Legal, emotional and financial support… once these aspects have been removed, the addict will find additional incentive to seek help and alter their current situation.

Though it can be painful to remove support from a loved one who is struggling, this step is a necessary one is certain cases. Avoid your own guilt, and place your focus forward towards a happy, sober, and productive life to come.

Need Help?

At “rock bottom” the only way out is up. Give out Above It All addiction counselors a call today, and let us give you a solid helping hand in your recovery journey back to the top.

Sobriety Maintenance & Relapse Prevention

Whether you’re in recovery due to alcohol or drug addiction, the road to enjoying a sober and healthy lifestyle is one that requires a fair share of commitment and discipline. Old behaviors will often tempt you, offering the potential for relapse and the negative connotations associated with its presence. In order to lower the risk of relapse, recovering addicts must employ a variety of strategies and techniques.

The Reward System

Brushing off old habits is easier said than done, especially in cases where the long-term benefits are far from view. In an effort to keep themselves from going astray, many recovering addicts adhere to a rewards system comprised of short-term goals. Example: For each week sober, reward yourself with a trip to your favorite eating establishment.


Studies suggest that roughly 90% of recovering addicts who attend weekly post-care sessions, like AA, during their first year of recovery were successfully able to avoid relapse. 12 step recovery programs such as these place individuals in touch with a community of people who share the same goals and struggles. Not only will participation in these types of organizations keep you focused and determined to succeed, but gaining a sense of community outside the bar or drug scene will work to ward off regular temptations.

Avoiding Temptation

Keep away from people, areas and items that may trigger your temptations. Example: If you are recovering from alcoholism, it’s likely a good idea to avoid bars and the acquaintances who linger around them. Rather than pretend that you’re content to simply “tag along”, try seeking out other types of activities and gatherings that support your sobriety goals. Consider this an opportunity to seek out new relationships and activities while reinventing your own self-image.

Stress Maintenance

The road to relapse is often paved with a solid helping of stress. Due to the fact that most people utilize drugs and alcohol as a stress-relief tactic, it’s crucial that recovering addicts find new ways to cope. Example: Smokers who use cigarettes to relax following a rough work day often look to tobacco as a form of stress-management. As tensions will often escalate once the coping mechanism is removed, experts suggest that recovering addicts engage in routine exercise and proper diet to compensate. Additional options include yoga, the arts, and meditation. Try experimenting with some new activities and dive in to something that really gets your motor revving.

Keep in Mind:

–          Just because you’re tempted to use again, does not mean you have to

–          Avoid self-criticism – Stay optimistic!

–          If you do relapse, don’t let it consume you. Get. That. Dirt off your shoulder – focus – and get back in the game.