The Purpose of the AA Group

“Our first duty, as a society, is to insure our own survival. Therefore we have to avoid distractions and multipurpose activity. An AA group, as such, cannot take on all the personal problems of its members, let alone the problems of the whole world. Sobriety-freedom from alcohol-through the teaching and practice of the twelve steps is the sole purpose of an AA group. Groups have repeatedly tried other activities and they have always failed. It has also been learned that there is no possible way to make nonalcoholic into AA members. We have to confine our AA groups to a single purpose. If we don’t stick to these principles, we shall almost surely collapse. And if we collapse we cannot help anyone.”-pg. 223 from The Language Of The Heart

As we talked about before no one can decide weather or not you are an alcoholic. Either you are or aren’t and that choice is up to you. When seeking out alcohol addiction help there are many places we can turn. There are 30 day rehab programs, AA, as well as several other drug addiction detox programs. With that being said it is important that if we decide to go to AA that not only do we have a problem with drinking but also that we identify as alcoholics. It goes back to our first tradition, which states “our common welfare should come first. Personal recovery depends upon AA unity.” It is important that we stick to our singleness of purpose so that we can ensure the groups survival.

Growth in Sobriety

“I think that many oldsters who have put our AA “booze cure” to severe but successful tests still find they often lack emotional sobriety perhaps they will be the spearhead for the next major development in AA- the development of much more real maturity and balance (which is to say, humility) in our relations with ourselves, with our fellows, and with God. Those adolescent urges that so many of us have for top approval, perfect security, and perfect romance- urges quite appropriate to age seventeen- prove to be an impossible way of life when we are at age forty-seven or fifty-seven.”- pg. 236 from The Language Of The Heart.

When we first receive alcohol addiction help and get into recovery, a drug addiction detox, AA, or a 30 day rehab program focusing on staying sober and working the steps is enough at first. There comes a time though when we start craving more out of life, and the program we work. At that point just staying sober and not drinking isn’t enough. We must enlarge our spiritual life as well as our emotional sobriety or we will surely drink. We must set aside our ideas and expectations of ourselves, our fellows, and our higher power so that we may remain open and teachable. If we close ourselves off to learning and taking things in then we stop growing and if we stop growing we either remain stuck in the bondage of self, and become miserable or we get loaded. When we are ready we will do the work, and establish a conscious contact with a power greater than ourselves. Through that experience we can continue to enrich our sober lives not just through physical sobriety but emotional and spiritual sobriety as well.

Getting Sober and Making Amends

“Just how and when we tell the truth – or keep silent- can often reveal the difference between genuine integrity and none at all. Step nine of AAs program emphatically cautions us against misusing the truth when it states: “made direct amends to such people wherever possible except when to do so would injure them or others.” Because it points up the fact that the truth can be used to injure as well as to heal, this valuable principle certainly has a wide- ranging application to the problem of developing integrity.”  – pg. 261 from The Language Of The Heart.

After we seek alcohol addiction help, start doing the work, and get ready to make amends it is important that we have a clear understanding on what we are doing. It is also important that we do not cause further harm in order to make ourselves feel better. When we go into a drug addiction detox, AA , or a 30 day rehab program we are given the tools needed to not only make a proper amends but also to continue living a healthy and happy sober lifestyle. When we go to make amends it is important that we stick to our side of the street. Stating what the harm was that we caused, and attempting to make it better. With that being said we do not get to make amends that will end up further hurting the person. For example if we gossip about somebody behind their back and we know for a fact it hasn’t gotten back to them we don’t get to go up to them and make amends by sharing the hurtful things we said. Instead, we make amends through changing our actions and move forward while trying to continuously be aware of our actions and how they might affect us, our sobriety, and others.

What Do I Need To Be A Member of AA?

“The first edition of the book of Alcoholics Anonymous makes this brief statement about membership: “the only requirement for membership is an honest desire to stop drinking. We are not allied with any particular faith, sect, or denomination nor do we oppose anyone. We simply wish to be helpful to those who are afflicted.” This expressed our feeling as of 1939, the year our book was published. Since that day all kinds of experiments with membership have been tried…In some cases we would have been too discouraged by the demands made upon us. Most of the early members of AA would have been thrown out because they slipped too much, because their morals were too bad, because they had mental as well as alcoholic difficulties.”-pg.37 from The Language Of The Heart.

Over the next few days were going to take a look at what it means to be an alcoholic as well as some other issues surrounding this subject. Basically we are members of AA as soon as we seek alcohol addiction help and say we are. All we need is a desire to stop drinking. The word “honest” was later taken out of our statement on membership because while many of us want to stop drinking, get help at a drug addiction detox, Go to AA, go to some sort of 30 day rehab program, and make positive decisions that support our sobriety at the end of the day who has an honest desire to stop when we would still be drinking if it still worked for us? Furthermore an “honest desire” could mean so many things to so many for clarity and to ensure everyone had a fair shot at achieving sobriety they took it out. Today as it stands nobody has a right to declare you alcoholic or non-alcoholic that is completely up to you to decide.

Sobriety Maintenance & Relapse Prevention

Whether you’re in recovery due to alcohol or drug addiction, the road to enjoying a sober and healthy lifestyle is one that requires a fair share of commitment and discipline. Old behaviors will often tempt you, offering the potential for relapse and the negative connotations associated with its presence. In order to lower the risk of relapse, recovering addicts must employ a variety of strategies and techniques.

The Reward System

Brushing off old habits is easier said than done, especially in cases where the long-term benefits are far from view. In an effort to keep themselves from going astray, many recovering addicts adhere to a rewards system comprised of short-term goals. Example: For each week sober, reward yourself with a trip to your favorite eating establishment.


Studies suggest that roughly 90% of recovering addicts who attend weekly post-care sessions, like AA, during their first year of recovery were successfully able to avoid relapse. 12 step recovery programs such as these place individuals in touch with a community of people who share the same goals and struggles. Not only will participation in these types of organizations keep you focused and determined to succeed, but gaining a sense of community outside the bar or drug scene will work to ward off regular temptations.

Avoiding Temptation

Keep away from people, areas and items that may trigger your temptations. Example: If you are recovering from alcoholism, it’s likely a good idea to avoid bars and the acquaintances who linger around them. Rather than pretend that you’re content to simply “tag along”, try seeking out other types of activities and gatherings that support your sobriety goals. Consider this an opportunity to seek out new relationships and activities while reinventing your own self-image.

Stress Maintenance

The road to relapse is often paved with a solid helping of stress. Due to the fact that most people utilize drugs and alcohol as a stress-relief tactic, it’s crucial that recovering addicts find new ways to cope. Example: Smokers who use cigarettes to relax following a rough work day often look to tobacco as a form of stress-management. As tensions will often escalate once the coping mechanism is removed, experts suggest that recovering addicts engage in routine exercise and proper diet to compensate. Additional options include yoga, the arts, and meditation. Try experimenting with some new activities and dive in to something that really gets your motor revving.

Keep in Mind:

–          Just because you’re tempted to use again, does not mean you have to

–          Avoid self-criticism – Stay optimistic!

–          If you do relapse, don’t let it consume you. Get. That. Dirt off your shoulder – focus – and get back in the game.

Responsibility and AA

“I am responsible when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help I want the hand of AA always to be there and for that: I am responsible.”

When it comes to AA it is important that once we get sober we behave responsibly and are good examples of Alcoholics Anonymous. Because the tools in sobriety were so freely given to us it is important that alcohol addiction help remain available to others through us. It is important that we give back. There are many ways we can do that such as through sponsorship, a drug addiction detox, AA, or perhaps even through volunteering at a 30 day rehab program. It’s imperative that we carry the message to others because if we didn’t and Alcoholics Anonymous wasn’t available to us then we would surely drink and to drink means to die for us. For most of us who are sober we can recall a time when we needed the help of others as well as AA and it was always there. It was there when we didn’t know how to stop drinking, when we needed a solution to this seemingly hopeless state of mind and body, and it has continued to be there for us throughout the years as we encountered rough patches in our sobriety. It is only right that we pay it forward. After all, where would we be without the people that came before us in Alcoholics Anonymous? We would probably still be lost and we definitely would have missed out on this amazing life that we come to find through sobriety; it is a life full of peace, happiness, joy, and love. It is a way of life worth passing on!

A Life of Sobriety, Acceptance, and Peace

“One way to get at the meaning of the principle of acceptance is to meditate upon it in the context of AA’s much used prayer ‘God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.’ Essentially this is to ask for the resources of grace by which we may make spiritual progress under all conditions. Greatly emphasized in this wonderful prayer is a need for the kind of wisdom that discriminates between the possible and the impossible. We shall also see that life’s formidable array of pains and problems will require many different degrees of acceptance as we try to apply this valued principle.-pg. 269 from The Language Of The Heart

Acceptance is defined as the act of taking or receiving something offered, as well as the act of believing. It sounds good in theory but it is one of those things that are easier said than done. On one hand we might feel as alcoholics that acceptance is something we aren’t very good at but if we look back at the time when we had asked for alcohol addiction help were we not somewhat living in acceptance? Did we not accept that we had a problem and that we needed help? Were we not beaten down enough to accept that we might need to go to a 30 day rehab program, AA, or a drug addiction detox? If you are sober the answer to these questions are most likely yes. On the other hand there have most likely been times when we have found some person place or thing completely unacceptable to us. In those situations we ask for our higher powers guidance on what his/her will for us is and the power to carry that out. Through this kind of prayer and meditation not only are we relying on our higher power to carry us through but we are getting closer to living a life full of acceptance and peace.

Maintaining A Sober Social Life

Social events offer people a wonderful way to cut loose, have fun, and interact with others. Unfortunately, many of these events often involve, or even revolve around alcohol consumption. If you, a friend, or date are the sober ones in the crowd, your stance may potentially prove difficult to maintain. Fortunately, our drug rehab counselors have some tips up their sleeve…


Ask your friends for support. Communicate your commitment to maintaining your sobriety, and request they respect your decision. Though you may miss out on some wacky stories, you’ll also avoid placing yourself in an awkward and potentially hazardous situation. Bring the topic up on your own before making plans rather than letting yourself become resentful.


Make your own plans and ask others to join in! Take the leader role, and suggest something casual and fun like a play, coffee, or a movie outing. This way, you will avoid being pestered into visiting a location where drinking is the main focus.When a get-together places an emphasis on drinking, attention is ultimately placed on what you can’t have. As such, it can be easy to become moody, withdrawn, and even angry at the party you are associating with. It’s a lose-lose situation, which can easily be avoided with proper planning and forward communication.

Find Tasty Non-Alcoholic Beverages

Throw your own party centered around non-alcoholic beverages. Stock your bar with an assortment of juices, waters, smoothies, etc, and ask your friends to contribute to the pot. If you have friends who still enjoy a drink every now and again (and most of us do), do your best to avoid placing the focus on booze. Offer a cocktail hour that includes karaoke, poker, video games, movies or Pictionary. The options are virtually endless

Be Smart

Avoid placing yourself in situations that you know will be tempting. Meeting your friend for a glass a wine is a far cry from a full-blown backyard kegger. Use your intuition and ask yourself whether you’d be comfortable maintaining a sober mindset throughout the occasion.


If you happen to be caught in an alcohol fixation occasion, such as a wedding or family reunion, you’ll need to warp your thinking. Though drinking may be a large part of the event, there are ways to avoid relapse while taking focus off of your sobriety. Dance, talk, socialize and enjoy! Boredom and insecurity are by far two of the biggest reasons people utilize alcohol in social situations. By taking matters into your own hands, the power to enjoy is your own. Plus… there’s certain to be plenty of drunken entertainment to help validate your decision throughout the evening J

Need Help?

If you’re struggling with alcoholism, our addiction specialists are on-hand to answer and address your concerns. Call our rehab center in Los Angeles, CA today, and get on track towards the healthy, happy and sober lifestyle you deserve!

Trust God, Clean House, Work With Others: A Formula for Sobriety, Part 3

Trust in god, clean house, and work with others.

That is the basic formula for sobriety. Over the next few days we are going to break down each part and see what there is to look forward to after receiving alcohol addiction help starting with trusting in God…

This may seem like a difficult thing to do as many of us might have a skewed concept of a higher power. We may find ourselves having thoughts such as If God did exist why was I alone when I needed him, or her the most?, Why do I have a disease that makes it so I can’t stay sober and need to go to a drug addiction detox? Why didn’t God answer my prayers if he exists? , or I don’t need god when I have a 30 day rehab program or another 12 step program I attend. While these are valid feelings, and thoughts to have the fact is that God answers prayers in many ways and not always by saying yes. We get to come up with our own concept of a higher power. Each one uniquely different and hopefully a source of light and love versus any negative concept we might have had previously. If we do the work we can begin to see hopefully that our higher power has our lives planned out for us, nothing is really an accident, we are taken care of, and nobody knows our path better than our higher power. It says in the big book of alcoholics anonymous that “faith without works is dead. “That means this is a process and we need to continue working not only on our faith but on our ever changing and growing concept of a higher power as well.

Trust God, Clean House, Work With Others: A Formula for Sobriety, Part 2

Cleaning house goes hand in hand with trusting God. Faith is an invaluable asset when it comes to cleaning house…what does that mean? Well prior to receiving alcohol addiction help we most likely caused a large amount of damage as well as acquired a huge amount of resentment towards ourselves and others. When we get to a drug addiction detox, AA, or a 30 day rehab program we get the opportunity to right what was once wrong by “cleaning house”. We do this by taking a thorough inventory of ourselves. We write down on paper the people we feel have harmed or wronged us, what happened, what it affected, and most importantly our part in it. We then get to make a list of people we had harmed and make amends for our behavior. We do this because not only do we want to be rid of the guilt that had plagued many of us before getting sober but also it holds us accountable. As mentioned before we get self esteem by estimable acts. It also states clearly in the big book of alcoholics anonymous that if our actions continue to harm others, we are not remorseful, and continue that behavior then we will surely drink. For us drinking is a death sentence. So cleaning up our side of the street isn’t just about the people we have harmed but it is directly related to us being able to achieve sobriety and the quality of our sobriety as well. When we clean house we are opening ourselves up to long lasting sobriety, peace, love, surrender, and many other amazing possibilities.