Rebuilding Trust in the Family

Many times previous to our getting sober, we have done damage to the relationships with our families.  In the midst of drinking and/or using we set fire to the bridges that brought us here.  The relationships we have sacrificed, many times, are the people closest to us and that usually means our families and closest of friends.

When we begin the process of our journey to living a sober life, perhaps our families of origin and/or our families of choice, i.e. close friends, don’t have any semblance of trust nor are they immediately inclined to rekindle what was broken and, subsequently, lost.  They are skeptical at best.  There are times when, the pain and betrayal we may have caused them supersedes their wanting anything to do with us after such personal attacks, be they direct or inadvertent.

In the throes of our alcoholism and/or addiction we may not only haves set fire to said bridges but, perhaps, we insured our separation by pouring gasoline on the stick of dynamite we threw into the burning flames.  We cannot expect that just because we are in early sobriety that everything that came before is immediately wiped away and our slate is instantly clean.  We have to recognize and take stock of where we have done wrong and what we can do to amend and rectify the situation(s) at hand.

To rebuild the trust and love in our families can become extremely important as we develop our support network.  Time, however begrudgingly we may find this idea, is often the healer of circumstance and can offer us and the people with whom we injured the opportunity to begin anew.

As trust was whittled away over a period of time, even if that time was mere minutes, it takes far longer to return however, fear not, the possibilities of repairing our relationships can happen.  The drug rehab in Los Angeles gives us a firsthand view of how to begin reweaving our threadbare, at best, fabric of understanding and trust with our families.  It is not impossible; however, it simply does not occur overnight.  The road is long but through our actions, not just our words, will yield the signposts that lead the way for our friends and family to return.

Deliberate Drinking and Using

“In some circumstances we have gone out deliberately to get drunk, feeling ourselves justified by nervousness, anger, worry, depression, jealousy or the like.  But even in this type of beginning we are obliged to admit that our justification for a spree was insanely insufficient in the light of what always happened.  We now see that when we began to drink deliberately, instead of casually, there was little serious or effective thought during the period of premeditation of what the terrific consequences might be.” – The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, pg. 37

As we travel along this new path of sobriety, we will be squarely confronted with issues in our lives that we may have, in our life previous to this new route of no longer imbibing, used to justify our drinking and/or using.  Issues where we allow a vast power, the power of our reactive feelings, to swoop down over us; in effect supplanting our connection with our Higher Power and replacing it with said feelings regarding our current trials and tribulations.  These might be situations that we would have, previously, used to assert ourselves alongside our beverage or drug of choice.

During these difficult times, we may feel righteously deserving of going out and getting absolutely, wholly, and totally besotted, be it with alcohol and/or drugs.  We may use the excuse of our situation, whatever that may be, like a shield between us and our Higher Power.  We may, possibly, even believe we are due a time out from our entire acquired sobriety thus far since, perhaps, we had been “good” for so long.  Perhaps we may fall prey to the idea of taking that particular moment and using it to jump at what may seem like a golden opportunity to drink and/or use.

These moments can be deadly.  Who knows if we will be able to return to the path of sobriety.  Maybe, just maybe, this self-indulgent, righteous tear we go out on doesn’t lead us, eventually, back to being sober but into an institution or, worse yet, a grave.
In this alcohol and drug rehabilitation center in California, the staff help us learn about the pending potential for our lives to take a turn in a difficult direction or when to recognize we are embroiled in an issue so deeply that it may seem insurmountable without the use of drugs and/or drink in order for us to get through it.  They show us that this is one of the insidious ways our alcoholism and/or drug addiction has aggressively taken hold of us, keeping us pinned to the proverbial ground and separated from what we have learned and experienced thus far.  We learn what to do when these feelings encompass us and these tools, in effect, save our lives; much like CPR saves the lives of so many, our embracing and enacting these new ways of living through difficult times will do the same.

Alcohol Drug Rehab Twelve Step Lingo

Drug addiction detox often includes Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. The Twelve Steps make up the foundation of Alcoholics Anonymous, which was founded in 1935 and now has over 2 million members. Utilizing the twelve steps of spiritual and character development  helps people in recovery stay sober. (Narcotics Anonymous groups also use these same twelve steps.) Aside from the Twelve Steps themselves, many AA and NA meetings might also make use of some or all  of the following terms or phrases listed below:


When someone involved in AA says, “Today is my birthday,” they are referring to the anniversary of the day they became sober. At California rehab centers, this date is also called an “anniversary.”


It’s length of sobriety time, not age that people are referring to when they call someone an “old-timer.” In some drug addiction rehab treatment groups, one qualifies as an old-timer 10 years; in others many more. Young people can be old-timers, and elderly people can be newcomers.


At Los Angeles treatment centers, when someone talks about  their “time,” they’re not referring to time spent in rehab or jail, but are referring to the length of time they have been continuously sober.


When a member of  AA says they “went out,” they’re talking about having a relapse into drinking or drug use after time spent sober. If you know someone who’s gone out, and is looking for help, contact us for drug rehab in California.

Think (Think, Think)

A common AA slogan, “Think, think think” is a reminder to take a pause before making a rash move such as using drugs or drinking.

Drug of Choice

“Drug of choice” is the primary way addicts chose to get high.

Last Drunk

This phrase refers to an alcoholic’s final binge, and most likely the one that caused them to hit rock bottom and seek drug addiction rehab treatment either in a rehab center or through attending 12 Step meetings.


In the 12 Step program, acceptance is realizing that alcoholism or addiction is a disease and a permanent part of one’s life. Finding an affordable drug treatment center is a way to accept the truth of an inability to stop drinking or using drugs without help.

The Need for the Newcomer

As you begin to attending AA/NA meetings, you may hear the statement “The newcomer is the most important person in the room.”

Perhaps you wonder how that could possibly be the case?  When was the last time you were welcome with open arms anywhere?

Upon your arrival to this Los Angeles drug and alcohol rehabilitation center, the staff will welcome you and will treat you accordingly.  Maybe it’s the first time in a long, long time we are being welcome anywhere.  It can be a foreign feeling, perhaps one that even elicits a suspicion of sorts.  It’s as if it’s in the staff doing that for us, it opens the door to others who may approach us with phone numbers, offering rides to meetings, sit down & extend themselves accordingly.  We may not feel so put off by those people and may even, depending, take them up on their generous offers.

Here’s why the response to their offerings may shed some light on the first idea.  When someone new presents themselves to us, we may need to forgo some of our upcoming plans.  In order for us to keep what we have so freely been given, we must extend ourselves to others.  As we do that, we are given the chance to reinforce our sober time.  We need the newcomer in order to survive.  With said newcomer, we get to go through the steps again ourselves while we are guiding them.  With that connection, they have the ability to inadvertently ground us in the reality of what happens when we are on a run or are coming into the program for the first time. They reinforce for us how that unmanageability exists and/or returns ever-so-shortly and what the state of their internal life is like, which, more often that not, reeks of misery & discomfort.

The connection we forge while working together is like no other and the gratitude that emerges from that very sharing with one another solidifies our spiritual connection.   Without the newcomer, we may not be able to treat our spiritual malady.  If we can’t do that, we may default to the physical craving.  After introducing the first drug or drink into the body, we may then be caught by the mental obsession keeping us bound to the prison of our minds and the substance(s).  In that, it leads us right back to that spiritual malady.  Subsequently the unmanageability that returns internally gets reflected externally and we reach for whatever’s going to, we hope, wipe away the pain and shame from our actions..  Working with one another acknowledges our need for the connections of our human spirit, whether we like it or not.  That newcomer’s desperation is our fuel by which we light the lamps of the roadway of sobriety, guiding us toward serenity.

The Alcoholic Addict and Acceptance

“And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.  When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing, or situation – some fact of my life – unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly the way it supposed to be at this moment.” – The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, pg. 417

How many times have we been disturbed by everything and/or everyone around us?  What has run through our minds as we’ve been bothered by situations that are not to our liking?  Have we spent an inordinate amount of being unsettled by that which we didn’t find favorable?

Acceptance; it is the key to living a life of serenity.  The situations we find ourselves in, even long after we are sober, can be less-than-favorable.  We may object to the actions and/or ideas of those around us.  The more we struggle against our self-imposed chains keeping us locked and bound to the discomfort of that which we are not in favor, the harder it is to have peace within our hearts, our homes, and in our interactions with others.

We must learn to find a way to accept that which happens around us, when those are situations over which we have no control.  However, we need to find a way not to use the idea and action of acceptance to be our excuse in avoiding the taking of action.  We can accept a situation and work, within a productive way, to facilitate healthy change.  Whether the change happens or not, we are indebted to the idea of letting the results go.  Letting the results be what they are, as long as we do the necessary work, is a very large part of what acceptance is all about.  It’s not about shirking duties and shuffling feet through wet sand; it’s about putting effort into the next right action and being able to stay emotionally separate from the what-happens-next.

Finding an Affordable Rehab Center

No one should ever be denied the help they need. This is especially true when it comes to getting help overcoming a drug or alcohol addiction. But for many it seems help is only there if and when you can afford it. When you have insurance and money it seems everyone extends a helping hand, but when you don’t know one has time to help. This isn’t the way alcohol drug rehab should be. Drug and alcohol rehab should be affordable enough that anyone can find the help they need overcoming their addiction.

Drug addiction programs are at their core medical treatments as well as social services. But despite that fact, getting treatment for a drug addiction can be costly. Most private insurance companies offer drug treatment program coverage, but many people with addiction problems are underinsured or have no insurance at all.

Sure, there are public programs out there designed to provide assistance to those who can’t afford private treatment. However, public programs are regularly overburdened and operate on shoe string budgets that too often inhibit their ability to provide effective treatments. Public programs regularly have long waiting lists and tight restraints on counseling and other services needed by those seeking help. This is counterproductive because most of the time those seeking help with addiction are already at or past their breaking point. Every minute counts and the best course of action is to begin immediately down the path to recovery. Too often public rehabilitation programs fail as good needy people slip through the cracks.

The words private treatment don’t seem to coincide with the idea of affordable rehab centers but the truth is there are many affordable treatment programs out there. With many treatments insurance offers help with at least a portion of the costs. But even for those without insurance there are always options. Affordable rehab centers differ from most private for profit rehab centers. For one, most affordable treatment programs aren’t driven by profits, but by results. The goal of any truly affordable rehab center is to provide you with the help you need and now.

No profit margins or share holders will ever come in the way of that intrinsic drive to help their fellow man.  As a result affordable rehab centers are often times more devoted and dedicated to helping you overcome addiction and get on the path to recovery faster. While public programs are often forced to stall treatment until additional funding is secured, and high price private practices encourage ongoing exclusive one on one treatments for revenues, this third class of affordable rehab centers are focused on giving you the tools and support you need to manage your addiction and turn your life around for good. The ownership is ultimately on you, but the tools and support needed to get there will always be available.

If someone you know needs help beating their addiction but doesn’t think they can afford treatment, don’t hesitate. Call around and find an affordable rehab center in your area, one that will work with them on payment and ensure that they get the treatment they need. Don’t wait until it’s too late, get the help you need today with effective, affordable drug and alcohol treatment programs.

Resentment: The Quiet Killer

“Few people have been more victimized by resentments than have we alcoholics.  It mattered little whether our resentments were justified or not.  A burst of temper could spoil a day, and a well-nursed grudge could make us miserably ineffective.  Nor were we ever skillful in separating justified from unjustified anger.  As we saw it, our wrath was always justified.  Anger, that occasional luxury of more balanced people, could keep us on an emotional jag indefinitely.  These “dry benders” often led straight to the bottle.”  From the Alcoholics Anonymous Twelve & Twelve, pg. 90.

When anger and resentment are the foundation on which a life is built, it is a life most futile.  There is nothing sturdy or sound about that platform.  We seethe, wrapping ourselves in a cloak of what we believe to be justified ire.  However, that is not the plush coat which keeps us safe and warm; instead it is actually a threadbare sheet which lets the wind rip through the fabric of our flesh, tearing at our very soul.

While angry, there is no chance of being present for those around us.  We cannot be accessible and of service to others in that all-consuming state.  This compounding fury, which may have been a minor transgression on the part of someone who wasn’t even aware of doing or saying something wrong in the first place, can lead us to the drink.  As opposed to recognizing a feeling of being wronged yet continuing to work toward the greater good, the potential to get trapped in and obsess about said incident is prevalent.

How does that lead us to drink?  As we run through that moment in our mind, over and over again, the pull toward needing a release, coupled with the desire for a sense of ease and comfort brought to us by the needed release, grows exponentially.  If we are not staying connected to the world by working with others, we supplant being spiritually grounded and opt for this inflated dissension in the rhythm of our world.  As we continue to dodge being of service then we are not available for anything other than our own self-seeking schemes.  We relive the moment, staying in the past while pretending what we would have said or done actually happened.  Maybe we are fantasizing about the future with what we will say and do next time; our motive of getting even grows larger and larger until it’s the only focal point in our lives.  Where is the relief in that?

California rehab centers teach us that there may be moments where we are uncomfortable yet those feelings are not facts on which to base a life.  We learn that our anger justified or otherwise, isn’t going to serve anyone else.  It doesn’t even serve us.  It keeps us selfish, on that carousel of self-righteous misery, which can only, eventually, be abated by our old behaviors in the search for ease and comfort.  Los Angeles rehab centers show us that even while being uncomfortable the cure for that discomfort isn’t found by putting our lips to the bottle but by extending ourselves to another person.  In these actions of being available for another, we learn to cement our sobriety.

Alcoholism and the Mind, Body and Spirit

“No person likes to think he is bodily and mentally different from his fellows.” – The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, pg. 30

It is apparent that the problem with alcohol and drug addiction is that it’s all encompassing.  In order to heal, alcohol rehabs in California understand that no stone must be left unturned and this includes one’s physicality.  After substantially repeated abuse, a return to a healthy life needs to also address the body of the alcoholic addict.  The best opportunities for recovery recognize the need to strengthen the complete individual, resetting them from every angle.  These changes can be a definitive contribution to their recovery.  This holistic perspective and subsequent treatment, which acknowledges the importance of exercise, will assist in creating the best scenario for a solid return to a life filled with dignity instead of despair.

California alcohol rehabs take this approach, recognizing a full recovery may not occur if all aspects are not addressed.  In the daily schedule, time is set aside to work out and is done so at whatever level the alcoholic addict is capable.  The exercise of the body is of maximum benefit in its contribution toward a life worth living.  In addition to all of its obvious advantages, recent studies have shown that working out actually has the ability to alter the brain’s chemistry.  Therefore it is understood that these changes further assist in combating depression and anxiety.

As the body begins to heal, the mind begins to follow suit.  The mind needs to learn new ways of processing old information.  By using meditation and exercise, Los Angeles rehab centers are giving alcoholic addicts a firmer ground on which to stand.

You *Can* Afford Rehab in California

Many people see all of the celebrities going to rehab and believe it’s impossible to find an affordable rehab center to get help treating their addictions.  It just isn’t true.  There are so many treatment centers available for all levels of income that no matter where you are financially, you can get help.

Many states and cities offer several affordable rehab centers for you to choose from and California rehab programs are some of the best.  It is critical that you do not let your fear of inability to pay for rehab deter you from getting the help you so desperately need.  Finances shouldn’t interfere with facing the facts and reaching out for help to overcome your addiction.

It doesn’t matter what your particular addiction is or if you are addicted to several different substances.  You don’t have to face your addictions alone, and you shouldn’t try to.  Once you choose an affordable rehab center you will be surrounded by addiction treatment specialists who will work with you to help you get clean and sober then stay that way!

The idea of drug addiction detox can be terrifying for many people, but once you recognize that you won’t be facing it on your own without support, it becomes a lot easier.  Once you decide to leave your addictions behind, you truly have nothing to fear and everything to look forward to as you embark upon a path of wellness and prosperity.

The truth is that you can’t afford wait any longer.  Blinded by the fog of addiction, you’ve become a slave to drugs and are in a place where you can no longer choosing much of anything.  Once you ask for help from one of the many affordable rehab centers in California and the fog begins to you clear, you will finally be able to see what substance abuse has done to you and everyone around you.  You have probably suffered financially for your addiction; maybe your job or career has been negatively affected or you have spent all of your savings in the pursuit of a high.

Even more important than the financial ruin is the toll your addiction has taken on your body, your life and your health.  The self-inflicted devastation can be reversed as long as you are still alive.  But if you put off getting help your next high could be your last and you can’t afford that. The one thing you can absolutely be certain you can afford today is drug addiction rehab treatment.  It is possible for you to ask for help and achieve sobriety and it is possible to do it today!  Today is the day for you to finally seek treatment and get on the path to wellness.  Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.  Find an affordable treatment center and meet with them right now.

Change Your Life in Los Angeles Drug Rehab Centers

There are many quality drug rehab centers in Los Angeles to choose from when you are ready to go.  Admitting you have a problem and then asking for help will be one of the most important choices you ever make. Above it All and other Los Angeles rehab centers offer addicts the opportunity to get clean and make the first step on the path of a new life; a life filled with promise and potential.

Today it may seem as though there is no hope; perhaps you feel like a lost cause; trapped with no way out.  As long as you have breath in your lungs, it is not too late to change.  Don’t give up on yourself yet; there are many centers for rehab in Los Angeles that haven’t given up on anyone, and won’t give up on you either. Above it All Treatment Center is one of them. We believe that no matter who you are and what has happened, there is hope. We are here to help you get sober and stay that way!

It doesn’t matter what substance you’re addicted to, and it doesn’t matter how or why it started; all that matters now is your health and freedom.  When you get clean, you will experience a healthier lifestyle that leads to a feeling of well being that helps your desire to remain free from the slavery of addiction.  Sobriety may not sound like freedom to you right now, but it is. In a beautiful Los Angeles rehab like Above it All, you can begin to experience liberation from the chains of addiction and begin on the path to a new life.

Coming face to face with your addiction and the pain you’ve been hiding from can be terrifying, but you can do it and the time to do it is now, not later, not after that next high, but right now.  That next high could very well be your last, so don’t take the risk of an overdose just before you could be finally be clean and whole.  The pain from your past will not be quite so painful once you’ve learned to heal and to use positive coping methods.  You can’t numb that pain forever or change the past; all you can do is move forward and, if you’re reading this, you know it’s time to make the call for help from a successful California rehab like Above it All.

All you see right now is right now, and not the bright future you have before you.  Once the fog of substance abuse has cleared, you will see the beauty there is to look forward to.  There is so much life to live, so much to do, so much to experience, so much love to express and you can do all of that once you are clean and sober.

There is so much that attending drug rehab Los Angeles can offer you that will change your life and give you a chance for a happy, healthy future.  Take the opportunity for that better future and make the call to a successful California rehab right now; you may not be able to do it later.