Alcohol Drug Rehab Before a Holiday?

With St Patrick’s Day right around the corner getting sober might seem like a lost cause. There are so many times when someone thinks about getting sober yet that thought is followed by a million reasons why the timing just isn’t right….thoughts such as “I’ll get sober  tomorrow,”  “I’m just so stressed out right now maybe when things calm down a bit,”  “I’m dealing with x y and z I just can’t deal with all of that and get sober,” or what seems to be the most common justification of all  “(insert holiday here) is coming up and its unrealistic to think that I can stay sober through it and I want to have fun so I’ll get sober after (insert holiday here)…”

Regardless of the date or the circumstances anyone can attain sobriety at anytime. Here are a few suggestions and places available to you …

1. Check out rehabs that take insurance

2. Check out some local drug rehab blogs .they are here to provide information on rehab programs in California.

3. For alcohol addiction help you can check out California rehab centers or perhaps a 12 step centered recovery house

There is all sorts of information available via internet. Getting sober isn’t easy but well worth it. If you decide to get help you don’t need to go through anything alone ever again. It doesn’t matter if it’s just another day or your favorite holiday today can be the first day of the rest of your sober life…may it be full of joy and peace!


30 Day Rehab Programs – The Right One For You

Different 30 day rehab programs offer various approaches to recovery and treatment. When it comes to drug and alcohol addiction, there is no one-size-fits-all method. Each case is as unique and personal as the patients themselves. Locating an inpatient facility that will prove most effective to a particular patient is a matter of research, questions and education regarding what each facility has to offer. If you or someone you know is in need of professional help, the entry below will provide you with a few tips to help locate the care you’ve been searching for.

1 – When researching various facilities, be sure to ask about each treatment center’s philosophies. Having a basic understanding of the approach used during treatment will help determine which place is best suited for the individual in question. Some programs are based in traditional medicine, while others incorporate holistic treatments.

2 – Patients who are dependent on alcohol or opiates will often require detoxification prior to entering rehab. Some facilities will offer this service in-house, while others will concentrate solely on recovery.

3 – Determine how to pay for your treatment. There is no guarantee that treatment centers accepting insurance will be able to obtain approval from your provider. If finances are an issue, be sure to get in touch with your insurance provider prior to researching facilities to obtain a list of facilities that can be covered under your current plan.

4 – Inquire as to whether the facility offers a family counseling program. Some facilities may discourage patient contact with friends and family members during their stay, while others will recommend involvement.

5 – Take a look into any aftercare services that are provided by the program. Patients attending treatment for 30 days without seeking outside help post-treatment are at a much higher risk for relapse than those who do. Plan ahead to determine your available options and avoid finding yourself in a poor spot down the road.

12 Step Program Addiction, The First Five Steps

Everyone’s heard of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, but what do they really mean?  Though structure is not enough to solve every single case of drug or alcohol dependency, there are certainly enough accounts of success in california rehab centers that make the 12 steps of AA truly worth trying. Let’s take a closer look at the first five steps

1.We admitted we were powerless over our addiction – that our lives had become unmanageable.

For most addicts who enter 30 day rehab programs, the power of choice has totally vanished and willpower becomes non-existent. When we admit our powerlessness and the inability to manage our own lives, we open the door to recovery.

2.Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

The only guidelines are that this Power be loving, caring and stronger than ourselves. A person doesn’t have to be religious to accept this idea.

3.Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God.

A common recovery phrase heard in long term drug rehabilitation, is “Turn it over.” For the recovering person, it means turning over every aspect of life to a higher power – whatever you understand that to be.

4.Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

This means taking stock honestly of our flaws. Perhaps for the first time in our lives. 

5.Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

The fifth step is not easy but allows us to live clean in the here and now by setting us free to live in truth.

These are just the first five steps, in some ways the most difficult, but there is much more knowledge to come in the following steps. Visit again to read more in the coming weeks, or get alcohol addiction help now, by contacting us.

Affordable Rehab and Recovery

“(b) That probably no human power could have relieved our alcoholism.” – The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, pg. 60

With reading that statement, we may not entirely grasp the gravity of its suggestion.  Many times, in a drug rehab  in California, we may put the counselor or therapist to whom we feel the most connected on a pedestal.  Perhaps after leaving this affordable rehab, we begin to refocus our attention from the counselor/therapist to our sponsor, assuming we are working with one.  If not our sponsor, maybe we put the onus of our belief of that power greater than ourselves on another person, boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband, public figure, etc.

This is a definitive problem and can further the concept of having a lack of power.  As we attempt to rely on others, we find that, invariably, the human condition, which includes the inevitable mistakes and whatnot, is not a stable and reliable source for us.  We find this direction, if we attempt it, isn’t the best within where to reach/attach our faith.

It may be a struggle to come to the notion that we cannot rely upon others as an insurance policy against our drinking and/or using.  With everything we hear about working with others, being available, being of service, it can be, especially in early sobriety, confusing as to where we are to place our firm assurances.

When we rely on others for our sobriety, we are setting ourselves and the other person up for failure and for the possibility of him or her building a large resentment toward us or, conversely a resentment from us toward the person with whom we want to believe will save us and/or keep us sober.  When that other person doesn’t act, behave, give, respond, in the way we need, this can be used as our impetus to drink and/or use, before we have a spiritual foundation on which to stand.  This can, given resentments are our number one offender, propel us toward taking a drink and, therefore, quite possibly drive us straight through the gateway of misery into the waiting arms of death.

In order for us to follow the well-worn path to success in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous using the design for living provided for us in the The Big Book, it is strongly suggested we find a power great than ourselves and that power may very well need to come in the form of a burgeoning concept of our Higher Power. This is to be a power greater than ourselves and that does not mean another living being or inanimate object, as people can let us down and material items can get lost and/or break.  We are not saviors for others, as they cannot be for us, & just as we cannot, of our own will, save ourselves.

Considering Short or Long Term Drug Rehabilitation

How long should inpatient treatment last in a 12 step recovery program? Can a short 30 day program really make a life-changing difference, or would a longer stay encourage better results? Although the choices can be overwhelming, if you or someone you know is searching for help, it’s here. Below we’ll explain a few of the differences between short and long term rehab.

Short term treatment is the most common form of drug and alcohol rehabilitation and is classified as continuous in 30 day treatment programs, while long term treatment ranges from 60-90 days to a full year.

Some studies have demonstrated longer lasting results with longer treatment times. Addiction takes time to develop and recovery can also take time. The most obvious benefit of long term care is that the individual is given time in order to discover and resolve the bedrock issues which led to the use in the first place.

One unavoidable problem with short term care is that the initial drug addiction detox period may extend one or even two weeks into treatment. Depending on the substance of addiction, patients can still feel the fog of addiction until week three. This leaves just one week of care, free of the acute withdrawals, for the person to deal with their issues and get back to their lives. Most people begin their  stays in rehab  ready to do whatever it takes to get clean and sober, but by the end of their stay, they simply focused on doing whatever it takes to get out.

It is not uncommon for addicts to require multiple 28 day stays before the rehab “sticks.” That can be   an emotional and financial drain on  both the addict and the family supporting them.

The bottom line is that every  person is different and the rehabilitation they undergo needs to be customized for them. In choosing what length of time to put into treatment it is most important to remain as objective as possible regarding the situation. To speak with an intervention specialist Los Angeles and learn more, contact us.

California Drug Treatment and Learning to Steer Away from Deliberate Drinking

“In some circumstances we have gone out deliberately to get drunk, feeling ourselves justified by nervousness, anger, worry, depression, jealousy or the like.  But even in this type of beginning we are obliged to admit that our justification for a sprees was insanely insufficient in the light of what always happened.  We now see that when we began to drink deliberately, instead of casually, there was little serious or effective thought during the period of premeditation of what the terrific consequences might be.” – The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, pg. 37

As we travel along this new path of sobriety, we will be squarely confronted with issues in our lives that we may have, in our life previous to this new route of no longer imbibing, used to justify our drinking and/or using.  Issues where we allow a vast power, the power of our reactive feelings, to swoop down over us; in effect supplanting our connection with our Higher Power and replacing it with said feelings regarding our current trials and tribulations.  These might be situations that we would have, previously, used to assert ourselves alongside our drink or drug of choice.

During these difficult times, we may feel righteously deserving of going out and filling ourselves with whatever drink or drug we please.  We may use the excuse of our situation, whatever that may be, like a shield between us and our Higher Power.  We may, possibly, even believe we are due a time out from our entire acquired sobriety thus far since, perhaps, we had been “good” for so long.  Perhaps we may fall prey to the idea of taking that particular moment and using it to jump at what may seem like a golden opportunity to drink and/or use.

These moments can be deadly.  Who knows if we will be able to return to the path of sobriety.  Maybe, just maybe, this self-indulgent, righteous tear we go out on doesn’t lead us, eventually, back to being sober but into an institution or, worse yet, a grave.

In this California drug treatment, the staff help us learn about the pending potential for our lives to take a turn in a difficult direction or when to recognize we are embroiled in an issue so deeply that it may seem insurmountable without the use of drugs and/or drink in order for us to get through it.  Whether we are there for one of their 30 day rehab programs or a longer stay, they show us that this is one of the insidious ways our alcoholism and/or drug addiction has aggressively taken hold of us, keeping us pinned to the proverbial ground and separated from what we have learned and experienced thus far.  We learn what to do when these feelings encompass us and these tools, in effect, save our lives; much like CPR saves the lives of so many, our embracing and enacting these new ways of living through difficult times will do the same.

Hitting Bottom and Getting Help at a Drug Rehab in California

We may hear the phrase “hit bottom” more than once as we begin our journey into the world of sobriety.  What does “hit bottom” mean?  Maybe we have a preconceived notion about what hitting bottom looks like.  Is it someone clutching a bottle of the cheapest booze, half propped up on yellowed newspapers against a rusted out dumpster in a rat infested alleyway using a cardboard box for shelter?  There are bottoms that do, in fact, look like that however many more bottoms do not resemble that particular image.

The fact of the matter is that our “bottom” isn’t really about how awful our life may or may not look outside of us.  There are bottoms that people have hit where they did not lose their jobs, their places to live, their cars, had their children taken away, divorced or split from their partners, lost their businesses, etc.

What “hitting bottom” actually means is that we get to that place where we feel ever-so-lost, writhing in agonizing emotional pain, empty, and very, very alone.  What we may have done, be it drank, took drugs, numbed ourselves out in some way, no longer keeps that soul-suffering at bay.  We are wholly and totally broken, from the inside out.

In this drug rehab in California, there are 30 day rehab programs and 12 step program addiction sufferers can use to start fresh. The staff is able to help us see how our outside differences are not the defining factor when it comes to measuring our respective bottoms.  Instead, they show us it’s that misery which we can tolerate no longer that is the binding factor between us.  We are now at a place where we can no longer ease our way by drinking alcohol and/or using drugs.  Our stories may differ about how we arrived but our sense of utter hopeless desperation is the same.  This is hitting bottom.

Get a New You in the New Year with Alcohol Addiction Help

This week begins a new year and, for many alcoholics and addicts the holiday season has been rough. They have burned more bridges with their families, missed precious moments with loved ones. Maybe the alcoholic or addict we are talking about is you and you don’t want it to be for one more day.

It doesn’t have to be. You can get alcohol addiction help. You don’t have to remain trapped in the same cycles for the rest of your life or even another moment. Even one of the many brief 30 day rehab programs can set you on your way to a new you and a truly new life in 2012. For alcoholics and addicts, the holiday season can be especially tough, particularly when we go to parties and attempt to be festive with friends and family, getting into the holiday spirit and trying to control our drinking so as not to embarrass ourselves, cause any hurt feelings or say and do things we might later regret. Waking up in the morning knowing that there are people we love who are upset with us can be pure torture for the alcoholic addict as it is seldom the thing that we intended to do. Some alcoholics who have well learned the lesson that they cannot control their drinking at parties choose to stay home, making up reasons they can’t attend and, instead, staying away from festive holiday gatherings with loved ones.

Maybe that was your story this year, but it doesn’t have to be the same thing over and over again. Getting alcohol addiction help in California rehab centers doesn’t have to be expensive. There are so many rehabs that take insurance and are waiting to help you on the road to your new life in the new year.

Help Someone Who Desperately Needs California Drug Treatment

The first step is honesty. A common issue surrounding those with addiction is the denial by everyone around them that the problem even exists. No matter how long you have turned a blind eye, if you see a friend or family member’s addiction as a serious problem, you need to be honest about it. Share your feelings and concerns. No one ever overcame addiction by denying they had a problem – but most addicts would prefer to avoid facing this truth. Your honesty could be the tipping point.

A large part of being honest is to no longer be an enabler. You may have thought you were “helping” your loved one, when you were actually making it easier for them to use drugs or alcohol. Make it perfectly clear that you will not assist them in anyway to continue a life of substance abuse.

Another thing you can do is simply offer to help and let them know you’re here for them and will continue to support them as they endevor to create a new, sober life. Letting go of the substance they’re abusing can be frightening. Often, this substance has been their constant companion for years – if not a lifetime. The addict may also fear losing friends or partners who they currently use with. Knowing they don’t have to face the unknown alone – and will still have friends they can count on even when sober – can give the courage to make the first step toward sobriety. Lend a hand by researching rehabs that take insurance, offer to care for pets, children or housesit while they’re away getting clean and sober.

Sometimes intervention help los angeles california is the only way. In cases of serious addiction, the assistance of a professional interventionist are often required. Studies have shown a higher percentage of success when the services of an interventionist are utilized.

For most alcoholics and drug addicts, an inpatient drug rehab is the only road to sobriety. Total isolation from the issues, triggers and people that enable the user to use is what 30 day rehab programs provide. If you, or someone you love is addicted to drugs or alcohol, contact us today.

Education for Addicts, Alcoholics and their Families

The friends and family of alcoholics and addicts have long wondered just what they could do to make the addict or alcoholic stop their harmful and destructive behavior. Once, the primary school of thought was that the alcoholic or addict had to hit rock bottom by themselves before they were ready for one of the 30 day rehab programs, then we began seeing more and more interventions performed as families sought the help of professionals and interventionists to communicate with the alcoholic or addict the things that they didn’t seem to be able to get across on their own.

More and more, families are arming themselves with education about alcoholism, drug rehab treatment programs, 12 step program addiction specialists and addiction and alcoholism in general. There is so much information on drug rehab blogs around the internet and through books and educational programs on television that addiction has gone from being a mysterious affliction where sufferers and their families are alienated and suffer in silence to one that is recognizably common and with which most people are at least a little familiar. One of the complications of this is that it can create an environment where everyone thinks themselves an expert. Thankfully, there are many reliable drug rehab blogs that provide insight and information to alcoholism, addiction, its affect on the sufferers and their families and the action required to make a change and enter a new life of recovery and freedom.

What we seek to offer here are insights into each side of addiction; both the addict or alcoholic and support for family of addicts. We hope that you are able to find those things and we invite you to post any questions. We will get to each of them!