More on the Alcoholic and Acceptance

“AA and acceptance has taught be there is a bit of good in the worst of us and a bit of bad in the best of us, that we are children of god, and we each have a right to be here. When I complain about me or about you, I am complaining about god’s handy work. I am saying that I know better than god. For years I was sure the worst thing that could happen to a nice guy like me would be I would turn out to be an alcoholic. Today I find it’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. This proves I don’t know what’s good. And if I don’t know what’s good for me then I don’t know what’s good for or bad for you or for anyone… before AA I judged myself by my intentions, while the world was judging me by my actions.” Acceptance Was the Answer pg. 418 from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous

Leave it to alcoholics to always think we know best. What’s best for us, what’s best for others, what are the best choices for god to make for us? We are always trying to control everything, always trying to manipulate our environment to fit our expectations. It isn’t until we let go, fully surrender, and receive alcohol addiction help that we start to realize we don’t know what is best for us or our loved ones. We learn in places such as, a 30 day rehab, AA, or an affordable rehab how to get to the place where we can turn it over and realize that there are bigger and better things planned for us then our small plans we have for ourselves.

Los Angeles Rehab: The First Step Walking Away from Fear

“Selfishness- self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles. Driven by a hundred forms of fear, self-delusion, self-seeking, and self-pity we step on the toes of our fellows and they retaliate. Sometimes they hurt us, seemingly without provocation, but we invariably find that at sometime in the past we have made decisions based on self which later placed us in a position to be hurt. So our troubles, we think, are basically of our own making. They arise out of ourselves, and the alcoholic is an extreme example of self-will run riot, though he usually doesn’t think so. Above everything, we alcoholics much be rid of this selfishness. We must, or it kill us!” How it Works pg 62 from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics know fear all too well. We are terrified of almost everything: fear of not getting what we want, losing people in our lives, doing things wrong, death, life, success, or failure. If you can name it we probably have fear around it. At times it can be debilitating and often times we don’t realize how fear affects us, or those around us. It’s an isolating feeling that is usually not based in reality. It pushes people away and dictates our actions. If we look back through our using we can see how most of the things we did we driven by fear. Whether it’s being afraid of people leaving, or people not liking us. So we take the actions needed to push them away before they can leave. Out of fear of not getting something or enough of what we need, alcoholics may steal. Fear is one of the biggest things that keep us from getting sober; fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of getting sober, and fear of losing something. It takes a lot of courage to walk through these fears and make the decision to go to a California alcohol rehab. But when you are willing, there is always a Los Angeles rehab ready to help and many of them also offer support for family of addicts. Through places like these you can begin to walk through fear and recover. We no longer have to be crippled by this thing that has run our lives for so long.


The Alcoholic Allergy

“These allergic types can never safely use alcohol in any form at all; and once having formed the habit and found they cannot break it , once having lost their self-confidence their problems pile up on them and become astonishing difficult to solve.” xxviii Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous

This is an idea often times that doesn’t sink in for us. We may read drug rehab blogs, searching for answers but we know all too well the feelings of problems piling up on us and them becoming too difficult to solve, we also are no stranger to reliance upon all things human. However when it comes to the understanding that we can never use alcohol safely in any form we have a hard time accepting it. When people enter into recovery there is often a search for loopholes. We find ourselves asking questions or saying things like maybe I was too young, maybe it was just a phase, or I’ve been sober for a little bit maybe I can control it now. There are several stories about this in the big book. Some part of the alcoholic wants to believe that eventually they can drink or use normally. This is not the case. There might be a sense of loss over this realization and the decision to go to a Los Angeles rehab but that will eventually be met with a sense of joy and comfort when one realizes they are giving up drinking for a life beyond their wildest dreams. A life full of fun, happiness, love, fulfillment, and well being.

Best of luck as you find the right drug rehab centers CA and start this journey toward self love!

The Alcoholics Prayer

For normal folks drinking means companionship and colorful imagination. It means release from care boredom and worry. It is joyous and intimacy with friends and a feeling that life is good, but not so feeling that life is good but not so with us in those last says of heavy drinking – pg 151 “A Vision for You” from the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous

When we first start drinking most of us find what we’ve been searching for for years. A sense of ease and comfort. We feel smarter, stronger, carefree, and find the relief most of us have been craving our whole lives. We become masters of fun and partying. Over time whether it be months or years that feeling usually fades. We are no longer able to escape and the consequences begin. Some of us lose our family, jobs, and houses while others get DUI’s, lose friends or have a string of nights that went just a little too far. Whatever bottom it is that we hit there is no such thing as a bottom that is too high or too low. We hit our bottom when we stop digging. It can always get worse. We find ourselves going to any lengths to defend our right to drink and use to the death until we can’t lie to ourselves and others anymore or until we stop pretending it’s still working for us .When we realize we no longer have it in us to continue living like this we say what is known in A.A. as the alcoholic prayer –PLEASE HELP ME!

If you are tired, rundown, or if this thing has you licked and you don’t know how to stop drinking here are a few options you can check out…30 day rehab programs, California rehab centers, AA, and rehab programs in California.

Whatever route you decide to take may you find recovery and life you seek and may you be surrounded by love and success on this new path

Building a Firm Spiritual Foundation in Recovery

Recovery seeking to build and maintain a firm spiritual foundation one day at a time -Daily reflections: A Book of reflections by A.A. members

When we were little most of us dreamed of being nurses, teachers queens, kings, cops, astronauts, doctors, a prince/ princess or maybe even lawyers. Whatever it was we all at one point in our lives had a dream of being something. Some may have honed in on and fulfilled these dreams but it is highly unlikely that any little girl or boy ever said “when I grow up I want to be an alcoholic”.  If anything, we found ourselves wrapped up in a disease we could not get away from.  We might have asked ourselves “how did this happen, how could this happen?” The answer is simple . . . one day at a time!

One day at a time we succumbed to this alcoholic life because maybe there didn’t seem to be any other options until now.  If you are new to recovery or have been sober for awhile then you probably know now that there are other options.  One might still be wondering how it is possible to get or stay sober.  That answer is also easy.  One day at a time!  Through the help of AA, sober livings, California rehab centers, 30 rehab programs, and alcohol addiction help anybody has a great shot at recovering from this seemingly hopeless state of mind and body…to live an amazingly fulfilling life… One Day at a Time!

Alcoholism and the Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde Effect

“He does absurd, incredible, tragic things while drinking. He is a real Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.”-pg 21 from the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous

This is usually the sad truth behind alcoholism. Alcoholism robs people of pretty much everything good in their lives such as their jobs, families, friends, homes, and happiness and it doesn’t end until the alcoholic either surrenders and gets sober or until there are jails, institutions or death involved.

There’s no reason for alcoholism to have to end in jails, institution or death when there are rehab programs in California as well as Los Angeles rehabs that can help.

There is also support for family of addicts. There’s Al-Anon, and plenty of treatment centers willing and able to work with families to rebuild a broken relationship. When were in the midst of our disease it can seem nearly impossible to find a way out especially when the life of an alcoholic seems to become the only normal one to them. However many people have recovered from this thing that holds us hostage. There are several tools to aid us in our recovery. Through them we can be freed from the bondage of self. We can mend our broken relationships, make right what was once wrong, learn to forgive, love ourselves, our lives, and trudge the road of happy destiny.

Regardless of what we have done or how powerless we think we are there is hope for all of us if we reach out and ask for help and take it one day at a time.

Changing the Alcoholic Double Life in a 30 Day Rehab Program

“More than most people, the alcoholic leads a double life. He is very much the actor.” page 73 the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous

If you are at a point in your life where you are deciding or have decided that you are an alcoholic or an addict this quote might hit home for you. By the time we hit our bottoms there has often been many years of living two different lives just to be able to maintain our habits. Like a chameleon an addicted person will change in every situation as a means to protect themselves from losing things that they consider important to them i.e. family, jobs, ability to drink the way they want, houses etc this all stems from fear…fear of not getting what they want, losing what they have, or not getting what they “deserve”. This can continue on into sobriety if one does not have tools to cope or if they are doing it alone,  many people refer to this as “white knuckling it”. It’s not a pleasant or necessary experience there is plenty of help available that can be found in places such as 30 day rehab programs, drug addiction detox, and dual diagnosis recovery center Los Angeles. Whatever the path one may choose there is no wrong way as long as the destination is the same. Once we get sober we can stop living like actors, chameleons, or addicts and start living healthy, honest, and open lives. We can begin to allow people and ourselves to see who we truly are as well as opening ourselves up to be loved.

Alcohol Drug Rehab Before a Holiday?

With St Patrick’s Day right around the corner getting sober might seem like a lost cause. There are so many times when someone thinks about getting sober yet that thought is followed by a million reasons why the timing just isn’t right….thoughts such as “I’ll get sober  tomorrow,”  “I’m just so stressed out right now maybe when things calm down a bit,”  “I’m dealing with x y and z I just can’t deal with all of that and get sober,” or what seems to be the most common justification of all  “(insert holiday here) is coming up and its unrealistic to think that I can stay sober through it and I want to have fun so I’ll get sober after (insert holiday here)…”

Regardless of the date or the circumstances anyone can attain sobriety at anytime. Here are a few suggestions and places available to you …

1. Check out rehabs that take insurance

2. Check out some local drug rehab blogs .they are here to provide information on rehab programs in California.

3. For alcohol addiction help you can check out California rehab centers or perhaps a 12 step centered recovery house

There is all sorts of information available via internet. Getting sober isn’t easy but well worth it. If you decide to get help you don’t need to go through anything alone ever again. It doesn’t matter if it’s just another day or your favorite holiday today can be the first day of the rest of your sober life…may it be full of joy and peace!


Acceptance and Alcohol Addiction Help

“Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today”

pg 417 The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.

There are a lot of feelings that come up when one begins to get sober. Perhaps feelings of excitement, fear, or uncertainty come up but rarely acceptance. Acceptance often times gets mistaken for surrender however acceptance is not surrender. Surrender is an action while acceptance is a feeling. When you or your loved one surrenders and begins to accept their alcoholism/addiction then there are several places to reach out to for alcohol addiction help. Here are a few:

-Drug rehab in California
-California rehab centers

When the alcoholic starts the recovery process and decides this is the path they want to take then they can truly begin to understand the meaning of acceptance and live in it. They can begin to know a new freedom and a new happiness with the certainty that everything is as it’s supposed to be. that is the core of acceptance … knowing that things are the way they are and not trying to change it but instead living in that moment with peace and serenity. It is the act of assenting or believing. While surrendering means to give oneself up, and to abandon whether you’re abandoning false beliefs or your previous lifestyle or anything that no longer works for you – it is an act of surrender.

The journey begins when you realize you can’t do this alone, realize you don’t have to, and reach out for help. Best of  luck on finding your road to happy destiny!

Help Someone Who Desperately Needs California Drug Treatment

The first step is honesty. A common issue surrounding those with addiction is the denial by everyone around them that the problem even exists. No matter how long you have turned a blind eye, if you see a friend or family member’s addiction as a serious problem, you need to be honest about it. Share your feelings and concerns. No one ever overcame addiction by denying they had a problem – but most addicts would prefer to avoid facing this truth. Your honesty could be the tipping point.

A large part of being honest is to no longer be an enabler. You may have thought you were “helping” your loved one, when you were actually making it easier for them to use drugs or alcohol. Make it perfectly clear that you will not assist them in anyway to continue a life of substance abuse.

Another thing you can do is simply offer to help and let them know you’re here for them and will continue to support them as they endevor to create a new, sober life. Letting go of the substance they’re abusing can be frightening. Often, this substance has been their constant companion for years – if not a lifetime. The addict may also fear losing friends or partners who they currently use with. Knowing they don’t have to face the unknown alone – and will still have friends they can count on even when sober – can give the courage to make the first step toward sobriety. Lend a hand by researching rehabs that take insurance, offer to care for pets, children or housesit while they’re away getting clean and sober.

Sometimes intervention help los angeles california is the only way. In cases of serious addiction, the assistance of a professional interventionist are often required. Studies have shown a higher percentage of success when the services of an interventionist are utilized.

For most alcoholics and drug addicts, an inpatient drug rehab is the only road to sobriety. Total isolation from the issues, triggers and people that enable the user to use is what 30 day rehab programs provide. If you, or someone you love is addicted to drugs or alcohol, contact us today.