Blessings in Sobriety Part One

“That he has no attitude of holier than thou, nothing whatever except the sincere desire to be helpful; that there are no fees to pay, no axes to grind, no people to please, no lectures to be endure- these are the condition we have found most effective. After such as approach many take up their beds and walk again… we feel that elimination of our drinking is but a beginning. A much more important demonstration of our principles lies before us in our respective homes, occupations, and affairs. If we keep on the route we are going there is little doubt that much good will result.” – pg 18-19 There Is a Solution from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Through research we might stumble upon an affordable rehab, or read drug rehab blogs and realize that we too have just as good of a chance as others to recover. For most alcoholics we are so broken and lost that even the hope that we might be able to recover in itself is a blessing. Some of us come in and don’t know where to go for drug addiction detox, but once we find a place and get sober we realize we are much more blessed than we thought. We gain a group of friends and a support group. Loneliness fades and is replaced with love and happiness. Some of us go on to have families, go back to school, get our dream job, or our dream life even, but more importantly than any of that is the new set of thoughts, feelings, and actions we have available to us. We are no longer victims or full of self-pity. We come to learn how to love ourselves and others, as well as how to be comfortable in our own skin. Before we know it our lives and ourselves become much bigger than those people who came in just hoping to be able to survive long enough to get sober.

Blessings in Sobriety

“That he has no attitude of holier than thou, nothing whatever except the sincere desire to be helpful; that there are no fees to pay, no axes to grind, no people to please, no lectures to be endure- these are the condition we have found most effective. After such as approach many take up their beds and walk again… we feel that elimination of our drinking is but a beginning. A much more important demonstration of our principles lies before us in our respective homes, occupations, and affairs. If we keep on the route we are going there is little doubt that much good will result.” – pg 18-19 There is a Solution from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Through research we might stumble upon an affordable rehab, or read drug rehab blogs and realize that we too have just as good of a chance as others to recover. For most alcoholics we are so broken and lost that even the hope that we might be able to recover in itself is a blessing. Some of us come in and don’t know where to go for drug addiction detox, but once we find a place and get sober we realize we are much more blessed than we thought. We gain a group of friends and a support group. Loneliness fades and is replaced with love and happiness. Some of us go on to have families, go back to school, get our dream job, or our dream life even, but more importantly than any of that is the new set of thoughts, feelings, and actions we have available to us. We are no longer victims or full of self-pity. We come to learn how to love ourselves and others, as well as how to be comfortable in our own skin. Before we know it our lives and ourselves become much bigger than those people who came in just hoping to be able to survive long enough to get sober.

Fear and Sobriety (Part 2)

Many of us experience fear around many different things. It can either be healthy or unhealthy. Healthy fear is when it’s used as a defense mechanism occurring in response to a specific stimulus such as pain or the threat of danger. There are also common fears such as fear of death, the unknown, and fears in cultures. Alcoholics can also add fear of failure and fear of success to this list. Unhealthy fear is when it is not based in reality and keeps you from living life. For us alcoholics especially in the grips of our disease we can find the fear paralyzing. Not knowing what is going to happen, or fear of not being able to get sober often times stops us from getting alcohol addiction help. When we overcome those fears and decide to get sober we are faced with new fears such as can I do this on my own? Is there an affordable rehab I can go to? or would a 30 day rehab and drug addiction detox program be best for me? Once we make that choice then the life fears along with reality start to set in. How do we live life? Will we ever be happy again? What do I do with myself? Who am I? Etc. The great fact for us is that through getting sober and working the steps we find a higher power of our own understanding and while there is fear from time to time it’s never paralyzing like it was when we were using because we have faith and are taken care of.

More on the Alcoholic and Acceptance

“AA and acceptance has taught be there is a bit of good in the worst of us and a bit of bad in the best of us, that we are children of god, and we each have a right to be here. When I complain about me or about you, I am complaining about god’s handy work. I am saying that I know better than god. For years I was sure the worst thing that could happen to a nice guy like me would be I would turn out to be an alcoholic. Today I find it’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. This proves I don’t know what’s good. And if I don’t know what’s good for me then I don’t know what’s good for or bad for you or for anyone… before AA I judged myself by my intentions, while the world was judging me by my actions.” Acceptance Was the Answer pg. 418 from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous

Leave it to alcoholics to always think we know best. What’s best for us, what’s best for others, what are the best choices for god to make for us? We are always trying to control everything, always trying to manipulate our environment to fit our expectations. It isn’t until we let go, fully surrender, and receive alcohol addiction help that we start to realize we don’t know what is best for us or our loved ones. We learn in places such as, a 30 day rehab, AA, or an affordable rehab how to get to the place where we can turn it over and realize that there are bigger and better things planned for us then our small plans we have for ourselves.

How To Maintain Your Sobriety

When it comes to recovery, achieving sobriety is often said to be the easy part; staying sober is the real challenge. Though the withdrawal and rehabilitation process is often difficult for many addicts, the lessons learned within our treatment facility will do little if not implemented daily following your release. In this entry, we will discuss how to maintain your sobriety following your rehab treatment completion.

1 – One simple rule: Don’t use. If you do not ingest, snort, smoke, etc. you will not become inebriated. While this rule may seem simple and self-explanatory in regard to relapse prevention, it is often one of the hardest rules to follow. As such, there will be no “for old time’s sake”, or “just a taste”. If you don’t pick up your addiction, the cycle will remain stagnant.

2 – Find yourself some positive support outside of the Above It All substance abuse rehabilitation facility. Though our counselors will always be available to help you through the hard times, it’s important to immerse yourself within an environment that caters to your drive and determination to remain sober. Select hobbies and activities that boost confidence and increase your self-esteem. The more active you are, the better you’ll feel. The better you feel, the more likely you’ll be able to maintain your sobriety.

3 – Set some goals. From alcohol drug detox to program completion, you’ll have plenty of time to reflect on past experiences and the mistakes that have been made. Use these ask a guide to better yourself following rehab. A plan of action will keep you focused, determined and driven to succeed. By choosing your goals ahead of time, you’ll have less opportunity to question your sobriety and decisions moving forward.

4 – Keep an eye our for triggers. Different times of the year can be more stressful and difficult than others. When these dates approach, be sure to place yourself in a supportive environment with people who are sympathetic to your sobriety. Hit up AA meetings and avoid putting yourself in situations or around individuals that may trigger negative emotions. Stay positive and remain strong. This too shall pass.

5 – Go easy on yourself. Recovery is never an easy process. If you fall down, take the opportunity to learn from your mistake and get back on track. Never give up on your goals and fight the good fight. Your recovery may not be as graceful as you might have thought, but as long as you stay in the game, the rewards remain the same.


How Family Counseling Aids In Addiction Recovery

By the time an addict has reached our drug rehab center in LA, the families are typically through with the heartache and drama that’s been caused. Though the family still loves and supports the addict, it’s not uncommon for members to feel as though their attempts to help the individual only serve in making the situation worse. Why would a stay at Above It All be any different?

Support for family of addicts is one of the main focuses at Above It All. Here, friends and relatives of the addict are invited to take part in the recovery process with the aid of a licensed addiction specialist. In this way, family members are better able to understand what their loved one is going through, and the efforts being made to combat the addiction as a whole. Counseling can take place either in person or over the phone, and can take place as often as 1x per week.

Truth be told, the single greatest thing you can do to help your loved one succeed in their recovery is making a commitment to attend Al-Anon meetings. These environments provide participants with the knowledge and support they need to fully recognize their own involvement in the addiction. As the old saying goes, “your only as good as the company you keep”. By making a concerted effort to better yourself, you will in effect be doing your part to aid the individual in question. Addiction is never a solo journey… and the same rules should apply to recovery.

Even with family counseling and Al-Anon meetings, it’s important to know that there are no guarantees for complete recovery. In some cases, it may even take years for the addict to truly commit to the recovery process.  Make a point to keep tabs on the addict’s attendance in regard to 12 step meetings once they have completed their treatment. A willingness to continue maintaining their sobriety through counseling and support groups is a good sign that the individual is invested in a positive change.

If you’re considering your rehabilitation options, take a moment to contact one of our licensed addiction counselors. He or she will be best able to assess the situation at hand and provide you with available options in addressing the addiction.

Deep breaths… Postive thoughts… Love & Compassion… We’ll get through this yet!

Explaining California Drug Treatment To Kids

Without the aid of a California drug treatment program, alcohol and drug dependency often leads to negative consequences for both the addict and their loved ones. Many addicts have trouble understanding the effect of their addictions on those surrounding them. The truth is, addiction is a serious disease, often prohibiting individuals from noticing exactly how their behaviors are affecting others. This poses serious issues for children forced to live alongside the addiction, often requiring a sober parent or family friend to explain the dependency in a manner that the child can comprehend.

Step 1 – Discussions should be catered to the audience. Kids under 5 years of age may not be able to understand, nor should they be subjected to the intricacies of the abuse. If a particular behavior must be explained to a child in this age range, do your best to make it short a sweet; explain that the individual isn’t feeling well.

Step 2 – There is a fine line to walk with children ages of 5 – 9. Here, you will want to color the conversation in a way that helps the child understand that the addiction is actually a disease. Explain how people with this particular disease must obtain help to overcome it. Be sure to emphasize that the behaviors exhibited by the addict are not the child’s fault, as it’s not uncommon for children to place blame on their own heads.

Step 3 – Once a child has reached age 10, it’s appropriate to be a little more direct. Sit the child down and calmly explain the intricacies of the addiction disease. If you’re dealing with someone in their early teens, it may be a good time to stress the importance of avoiding alcohol and drugs in their own life. Children with addiction in their families have a much higher risk of becoming addicts themselves. As such, it’s important to make sure the child understands the risks associated with their own experimentation.

Step 4 – Explain that the addict is seeking help for their dependency at a drug rehab in California. Outline the treatment process, and provide the child with a basic understand of what to expect (visits, timeline, etc.) throughout the recovery. Most substance abuse centers in California offer family counseling to patients and their loved ones as part of the recovery process. In this way, children can gain a better understanding of addiction, and the best means for supporting their family members.

The Alcoholic Addict and Dealing with Other Addictions in Sobriety

As alcoholics in recovery we may or may not encounter other forms of addiction that can pop up throughout our sobriety. There are some alcoholics that only need alcohol addiction help or some addicts that only need a 30 day rehab, AA, or a Los Angeles rehab because they don’t experience the addictive behavior with things other than alcohol or drugs. Then there is the other type who after getting sober realizes that  either they’ve replaced their main addiction with  something else or have  began to see that they have had problems in other areas all along but weren’t aware of them until now. For this kind of alcoholic it seems sometimes more difficult to address these situations then it was to address our alcoholism partially because the devastation and wreckage from alcoholism was perhaps more noticeable then these other addictions. Addictions can begin to surface in areas least expected such as food, men, women, shopping, excersising etc. Though not necessarily shocking. After all we as alcoholics are constantly seeking elevated moods. Whatever it is we pray and work the steps around it the way we do with alcohol. We begin to realize that if we have faith and do the work the battle with any addiction can be won. We begin to get more connected to our truest , and purest selves and start to see that if we love ourselves then we don’t need to constantly try to fill the hole with people, places, and things  that not only hurt us but also never really fix us either.

Our Prescription Drug Treatment Programs

Our prescription drug treatment program has been carried out on many patients throughout the years. A number of factors dictate the type of treatment required for a successful recovery; the most important of these being the type of drug on which the individual is dependent. The number of prescription medications known to result in addiction is vast, and includes sedatives, stimulants, and painkillers.

Each medication possesses a specific set of effects and side effects. With this in mind, it’s important to note that treatment must be specific to the type of drug addiction being combated. Patients who have built up an addiction to these types of substances must first be carefully evaluated and examined prior to fully committing to a long term drug rehabilitation plan.

In many ways, prescription drug treatment is quite similar to treatments used to combat other types of addiction. A large sum of the techniques used throughout our prescription program are found to be just as helpful as those utilized in heroin and oxycontin rehab plans. In most of our rehabilitation programs, the best treatment in weaning patients from prescription drug medications comes in the form of a combination of several treatment options. However, before a proper treatment plan can be determined, a proper detoxification program must be implemented

Detox is used as a way to help counter the withdrawal symptoms commonly experienced once drug consumption is halted. Different symptoms are associated with different medications, and vary in severity and intensity depending on the use history and amounts.

Additional methods used during treatment include addiction counseling and cognitive behavioral therapy. Both methods serve in altering exactly how the individual approaches drug issues and daily life.

Truth be told, there is only one sure-fire way to achieve a complete and successful recovery: A commitment to oneself to address the situation head on. Counselors and addiction specialists can attempt to educate patients regarding the dangers associated with their addictions, but without the proper drive and push, the risk of relapse is almost inevitable.

The Alcoholic Addict and Step Ten

“Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.”

“This brings us to step 10, which suggests we continue to take personal inventory and continue to right any new mistakes as we go along. We vigorously commenced this way of living as we cleaned up the past. We have entered the world of the spirit. Our next function is to grow in understanding and effectiveness. This is not an overnight matter. It should continue for our lifetime.” – Into action pg 84 from the Big book of Alcoholics Anonymous

In step ten we continue to watch for selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, and fear. When they crop up we ask God at once to remove them. Step 10 is a maintenance step. We review our fears, resentments, and parts on paper. We then look at where we had been selfish, self seeking, and dishonest. We ask ourselves where had we been dishonest? Did we arouse jealousy? Whom had we hurt? If anyone was harmed we immediately make it right. We admit our faults and amend our behavior. When we sought alcohol addiction help we agreed to go to any lengths to stay sober. Cleaning our wreckage up is a small price to pay as well as a rewarding experience. Through places like drug addiction detox, 12 step programs, or perhaps a drug addiction facility in LA we are taught how to work the steps, and adapt to this new way of living. Those of us in recovery are given an amazing life beyond our wildest dreams. All we have to do is ask for help and be willing to do the footwork.